Chances of Acceptance?

I have a 3.6 weighted GPA, which I know is on the low-end
However, I took 2 AP classes last year and am taking 7 this year
All non-ap classes are honours.
1440 SAT score
Major: Poli Sci
extracurriculars: 4x Varsity Cross country and Team Captain, 3x Varsity swimming, 2x Varsity Track Team, 1x varsity golf, President and Founder of Young Democrats Club, 4 year Model United Nations participant, School Spirit Committee Chairman, Volunteering with Hillary Clinton Campaign, 3 summers working construction and 1 summer working at a summer camp, and Class of 2018 representative to the Alumni Board.

I know my grades are lower, but is it possible for the rest of my application to round it out? Thank you!

Hey @jackran I am a current Junior at GW. I applied in Fall 2014 when it was a little different, but you seem like you have strong credentials. I would not worry that much and that’s coming from a person who applied with a 3.0 GPA.

1440 on the 1600 scale? You’ve got a great test score and your g.p.a isn’t atrocious. It seems that you have a lot of athletic activities-- on your essay I would try to explain how all those activities are interrelated, in some grandiose way and really try describe how your participation in those extracurriculars has given you formative experiences. It’s also important to get good recommendation letters- professors who obviously like you and can speak to the magic of your work and write a glowing recommendation letter. Worst case scenario if you don’t get in just maintain a 3.5+ at any other university and you should be able to get in.

I’d say you’ve got a slightly-above average shot at acceptance. EC’s are good, test score is great, but your GPA will be below average. If you really want to make an impression, do all you can to show interest in the school. Officially tour the campus, reach-out to your admissions rep, and write a great essay being quite specific as to “why GW” and not some other school.