Chances of admission into VT Gen Eng Early Decision?

<p>First off, I apologize for the length of this post.. and secondly, I greatly appreciate all feedback!</p>

<p>It's that time of year again... Rising seniors freaking out about college applications! I was wondering, what are the odds of
A) me getting accepted into Gen Eng Early Decision
B) me getting accepted into Gen Eng Regular Decision (if deferred from early decision)
C) me getting accepted into University Studies Regular Decision (if denied from engineering program)</p>

<p>In Middle school I took:
7th grade - Algebra 1 honors
8th grade - Geometry honors, French 1</p>

<p>Freshman year wGPA~ 2.9 (I know, it's terrible.., will explain in personal statement how major illness/mourning of death of my father played a role in poor attendance/grades)
Honors Algebra 2, Honors world history 1, Honors bio, english 9, photography 1, gym, french 2 </p>

<p>Sophomore year wGPA~ 3.75
Precalc w/ trig, honors chem, english 10, gym, AP world history, sports medicine, french 3 </p>

<p>Junior year wGPA ~ 4.1-4.2
AP calc AB, AP Psychology, AP US History, Honors Physics, english 11, french 4, STEM Engineering </p>

<p>Senior year wGPA~ N/A (Should be able to get 3.8-4.0)
Courses I will be taking:
AP Physics C, AP calculus BC, AP statistics, Advanced STEM Engineering, Honors US Gov, Honors English 12, Economics & Personal Finance </p>

<p>wGPA after Junior year~ 3.60 (nowhere near what it could be.. but I can't blame anyone but myself)</p>

<p>AP Scores:
AP World History - 4
AP Psychology - 5
AP Calculus AB - 5
AP US History - 3</p>

<p>SAT scores: retaking for a 3rd time this fall
1940 single test composite (2020 super scored)
1st test: 800 math, 590 reading, 550 writing
2nd test: 720 math, 570 reading, 630 writing</p>

<p>ACT scores: retaking for a 3rd time this fall
30 single test composite (31 super scored, only science score increased to 31 on 2nd test)
30 writing, 29 reading, 32 math, 29 science </p>

<p>I never really participated in clubs/sports..
Junior year I was a member of my school's competitive math team which came 2nd in the district and 5th in the state (Don't laugh, I got bonus points for showing up)
I plan on joining NHS, Math honor society, and Science honor society this fall as a senior
I think I will play Varsity Ultimate Frisbee this coming spring</p>

<p>As far as personal statements go, I have a close family friend who taught English at Thomas Jefferson High school assisting me... So hopefully my personal statements are good.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for responses!</p>

<p>I think you are a good candidate for all your options. I would recommend sending your AP scores with your application, they will provide another basis to support your strog achievements. Best of luck.</p>