Chances of admission/scholarships

Hey, I was just wondering if anyone could give me some input on my chances at Purdue honors college next year. Could you also chance my for some of the scholarships(without them I most likely won’t be able to attend).

SAT I: 2230/2400 and 1540/1600 (800 math, 740 reading, and 690 writing 10 essay). I also got a 221 on my PSAT so I’ll probably be at least a semifinalist (Pennsylvania)

Sat II’s: Math 2 in June and Physics or Chemistry in October

Unweighted GPA: Based on my school its a 3.96 but I got 3 B+'s so I think that’s wrong. I tried to convert it to a normal scale and I got something like 3.833

Weighted GPA: My school has a weird system so its like 4.97. On a system based out of 5( add .5 for honors and 1 for AP), I think I have a 4.35.

Class Rank: I wasn’t looking into competitive colleges as a freshman and sophomore so my class rank was 40/558 at the beginning of the this school year. It is now 17/558 after one semester and it will likely go up.

AP Classes: Due to scheduling errors, I was not able to take AP Chemistry this year but I was able to take AP Statistics. Next year I hope to take AP Chem AB, AP Calc AB, AP Calc BC, AP Micro, AP physics C: mechanics, and AP physics C: electricity and magnetism. My school has 4 classes one semester and 4 new ones the next semester. My school requires taking the AB classes(fall semester) before the BC classes(spring semester).

EC’s: I know these are subjective so I will just list them.
-Robotics Club (FTC) since 10th grade. Co-Captain this year and most likely Captain next year
-Anchor Club (Community Service) no position

  • Peer Tutoring in Math since 10th grade
  • Rec soccer for 11 years
  • Habitat for Humanity (started this year)
  • Summer Job at local children’s amusement park (around 35 hrs/ week)
    I’m more involved in tutoring and robotics more than anything else and I really love to participate in them so I’ll probably talk about that in some of my essays.

Awards: no major awards except for maybe national merit scholar semi finalist.

Letters of Rec: Two of the three should be good. The other one might be generic.

Essays: I’ll try to put a lot of time in them but writing is my weakest point. I also can’t think of any ideas for the common app.

Prospective Major: Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering