Chances of Admissions Offer Being Rescinded

<p>I have been accepted to UW Madison for the 2014 Fall Semester. I took Multivariable Calculus through PSEO and didn't really do any work and failed. It was a really bad choice. Otherwise I received all A's first semester. I have a 34 ACT and lead the electronics team in our Robotics club, participate in a before school choir 4 days a week, and am treasurer on student government. I will try to get all A's second semester but may get a B in Humanities (I am going for electrical engineering, this isn't my strength). I wrote a really great letter to admissions already outlining why I failed the course, what I have done to correct my habits, and why I am still a good fit for Madison. What are the chances of them rescinding my admissions offer? Should I seriously consider some other colleges?</p>

<p>Thank you very much,

<p>Last year an accept senior got an F in AP calc and and a D in AP lit and was not rescinded however , they were second semester grades. I think it’s good that you were pro-active and wrote to them.</p>

<p>Good Luck, AP calc seems to kill many students grades and I would think its better then getting an F in gym.</p>