what are the chances that I would get rescinded for 3Bs and 2Cs (all AP classes) during 1st semester- the school is UMich and their website says “Any significant decline in your academic performance, such as three or more C’s, any D’s, E’s or F’s, may be cause for revoking admission.” (https://umich.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/300/~/revoking-admission) school is Umich.
Also i dropped one the classes I got a C in (APCS) and replaced it with AP Macro so should I contact them about this? Based on my grades so far I’m predicting I’ll get at least 2 As and 3 Bs 2nd semester. so as long as I don’t get a total of 3 Cs for the school year will I be alright?
Nobody can tell you any more than the school website about what grades could lead to admission being revoked.
I will add that dropping/changing a class (or going to a lower level class) can also be reason for admission to be rescinded or at least re-reviewed. Did you check with UM admissions to get their approval before you switched the classes? If not that could cause a problem. I don’t think that dropping a class to avoid a third C is what admissions had in mind with their policy. UM will see that the class was changed when they get your final HS transcript.
I suggest you get out in front of this and contact UM admissions about your grades and your dropped class.