Chances of College of Engineering VTech

<p>Fairfax, Virginia Senior </p>

<p>GPA - 4.371
SAT (took Sophomore year) - CR540 M580 W520 Taking this Saturday
Both Parents went to Virginia Tech as Engineers (2 Aunts went too)</p>

<p>Taken 4 APs ( Computer Science (Java Development), US history, World History, Lang)
Taking 4 APs (Physics, BC Calc, Gov, Literature)
Getting Computer A+ Certification</p>

<p>Extra Curricular
-Soccer (2009-2011)
-Wrestling (2008)
-FIRST Robotics Club (2009) Only lasted one year at our school
-CyberPatriots (Cyber Security Club and Competition sponsored by Air Force)
-Virginia Aerospace and Science Technology Scholars (VASTS) - Online Course and Summer Internship at NASA, Langley </p>

<p>Science, Math, Spanish, and NHS Honor Societies</p>

<p>I'm sure there are some minor things that I'm missing but what are my chances of getting into the College of Engineering at Vtech. I'm have a high GPA but my SAT is subpar. </p>


<p>Take the ACT too. If anything keeps you out (other than the location factor) it’ll be your test scores so give yourself every chance to succeed.</p>

<p>With a 4.37 weighted GPA and currently taking BC Calc you should score much higher than your Sophmore SAT of M580 and CR540. Quite frankly you should have taken the SAT again as a Junior instead of waiting until the last minute of your Senior year. The SAT covers only basic math, algebra, and geometry so relax and don’t overthink the questions.</p>

<p>I’m planning on taking the ACT in October too. I’ll have to take a practice one because I have no clue on how to take it.</p>

<p>As for the SAT, I’m just hoping for the best. I know the questions aren’t hard but I just don’t seem to be getting them consistently.</p>

<p>And yes… it was stupid of me not taking the SAT in June.</p>

<p>Try and get ahold of some practice tests before the real ACT. Knowing what to expect might help you, if for nothing more than boosted confidence.</p>

<p>“As for the SAT, I’m just hoping for the best. I know the questions aren’t hard but I just don’t seem to be getting them consistently.”</p>

<p>They aren’t trying to trick you with the questions. You know the material so you’ll be fine. Good luck!</p>

<p>Say my SAT doesn’t improve enough and I get 600 on math and 600 on cr…</p>

<p>What would be my chances of getting into Tech?</p>

<p>What if my SAT scores remained at 600 math and 600 critical reading?</p>

<p>What would be my chances? would I even have a chance? </p>

<p>How high do I need to get up to?</p>

<p>At 600/600 you’d be competitive but not guaranteed. Especially being from Northern Virginia.</p>

<p>As has been noted, your GPA and schedule look very good but just doesn’t seem to mesh with your SAT’s. The SAT’s are your weak link so do whatever you can to bring up your scores. My kid was initially waitlisted with higher scores (710M, 650CR) and then put in university studies when he got off the waitlist. His GPA was lower and that was I’m sure the concern . If accepted, there would be a chance you would be initially placed in university studies because of your SAT’s. Still good-you can still get into engineering from there so don’t be discouraged if that should happen. Just do your best to improve your scores( above 600 seems important), get in and go from there. Good luck!
PS Having higher GPA with somewhat lower SAT’s seems to be better with admissions than higher SAT/ lower GPA so you are in good shape with that. Again, good luck!</p>

<p>v00d0o-Good luck with the SAT’s on Saturday (you said you’re taking them then). I have a feeling you’ll do much better this time!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the support guys!</p>

<p>I guess I shouldn’t be too worried. As long as I can get into engineering eventually, I’ll be set. Should be successful anywhere I go; just make the best of it.</p>

<p>Wish me luck ;)</p>

<p>Last year the minimum cut off for sat M was a 650 for the e’school. You want to work to get above that. Really review your basic algebra and geometry as that’s what trips up a lot of advanced math students on the sat. They just haven’t seen it in so long.</p>

<p>Check with your GC to see what successful students test scores have been for the e’school the last two years from your school. Naviance is a great tool but it doesn’t account for the increased competition each year as older data is mixed in. Engineering and arts & sciences applicants are also not defined making it harder to utilize the data. Your GC can help make these distinctions. Best of luck!!</p>

<p>Alright… I just got my scores</p>

<p>670 math
560 cr</p>

<p>How are my chances now?</p>

<p>Congratulations for the increase in your math score. Who knows where the cut off will be this year, but you’ll be close. Your CR is really going to trip you up I’m afraid. I don’t know what they were looking for last year, but three years ago when we were attending e’school info sessions it was a 600. It has either stayed the same or gone up (as math has). </p>

<p>The rest of your application is competitive, and you are a double legacy, VT is numbers centric in admissions however. Is there anyway you’d be willing to retest in December focusing only on CR preparation? VT super scores so you are only concerned with CR at this point. With your current score it’s likely you’d be placed in University Studies, which others explained earlier. If you were my student I would advise that trying to raise the CR score to 600+ in an effort to be placed directly in the e’school would be well worth your time.</p>

<p>I’m very conflicted on what to do. Are my chances extremely low… And even if I do take the December SAT will they get it in time to decide or will they have thrown my app away by then?</p>

<p>Is corps of cadets going to make a difference too?</p>

<p>I don’t think Corps of Cadets will have any favorable impact on the admission decision. I know some schools have an October cutoff for the SAT but I couldn’t find a similar statement on the VT website. If you look through the application itself is there any language regarding SAT test dates? If not, then a quick call to VT admissions might be worthwhile. You don’t want to take the SAT again if it doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>I don’t think your chances are extremely low for admission to VT. I think they should be willing to give you a chance based on your gpa alone. There’s a possibility that you might be placed in University Studies instead of directly into General Engineering. Don’t worry if that happens because it’s relatively simple to transfer after one or two semesters.</p>

<p>Did you apply ED? If so I missed that. No, I don’t think your chances are low at all. I’m just a person that doesn’t give up opportunities if it can improve chances where there is a weak area. As I said, all other aspects IMO are competitive. If you did apply ED the only reason I would still consider the December SAT is in the event you are deferred to RD they will accept the new scores and consider them. It might be insurance. </p>

<p>I would really talk to your GC or call VT admissions and ask if the CR score is going to be a problem. Their answer may reassure you.</p>

<p>Thanks for the support.
And I will be turning in my app for early decision</p>

<p>I called admissions and was directed to the engineering department. And they told me they focused on math… With 600 above and 650 being in he higher range. For cr they told me anything over 500 would be good. I’ll call again in a couple days and see if I get a similar response. If so, I think I’m squared away.</p>