Chances of getting into St. Andrew's-Sewanee School?

<p>I am an 8th grader at a public school that offers the IB program, of which I am a student. </p>

<p>I am not really thrilled with the public High School I would have to attend next year and this lead me to look at boarding schools. I started this search about 3 weeks ago, and was immediately impressed with "SAS". (St</a>. Andrew's-Sewanee School)</p>

<p>I have not even printed out the application yet, but hopefully I will have it done by Friday this week. </p>

<p>As far as testing goes:</p>

Critical Reading: 570
Mathematics: 560
Writing Skills: 540</p>

<p>PACT: (Palmetto Achievement Challenge Test, South Carolinas state standardized test.)
7th Grade - Perfect score in Math and Science, Advanced in History and Writing. </p>

<p>SAT: (beginning of 7th grade)
550 in Mathematics
450 in English</p>

<p>I take English 1, Spanish 1, and Algebra 1. I have 100% in all of these classes, and my lowest grade right now is in History with a 98. </p>

<p>At school, I am at the top of my class and was a 7th grade Marshall. I am on the TNN crew which is our schools morning news show. I am also a member of our schools academic challenge team. </p>

<p>I regularly volunteer at the local soup kitchen, and the local human society. </p>

<p>I am currently not on any sports teams (not really my thing) but am keen on running cross country. </p>

<p>I am new to the whole idea of boarding school, so most of this is new to me. What would you say my chances of getting into "SAS" would be, and am I applying to late?</p>

<p>I would only be able to attend a boarding school with financial aid. </p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>youre starting reallly late.
can your teachers have the recommendations done by friday too?
because usually its really hard to get financial aid if you apply late…</p>

<p>Actually, you are not late at all. St. Andrew’s-Sewanee School, like many schools (you can find others on Boarding School Review) is on a rolling admissions schedule and will continue to accept applications even through the summer. The merit scholarship program does have a deadline that requires that you have been ADMITTED by March 1.</p>

<p>For the schools with rolling admissions, one of the real issues, though, is whether you are applying for financial aid. If you are, it is always best to get your application in early when the pot is at its fullest.</p>

<p>Best of luck.</p>