Chances of getting into the Naval Academy

Good evening everyone,

Briefly stating a small portion of my high school. I’ve been striving to get in the Naval Academy since middle school. Right now, I’m a 4.5 GPA Junior in High school taking AP Physics, Honors Architectural Engineering, Honors Pre Calc, and AP US History. STEM subjects are what I excel and love doing. My school offers a 4-year course in various engineering classes and counts as Honors. I have a strong desire serving my country in the Navy, nothing else. Other than this, I love serving my people. I’m a police cadet for my local PD with a Golden President’s Volunteer Award (500+ hours of community service). Sport wise, I play one sport which is Varsity Lacrosse. I must admit, I’m definitely not a college skilled player but I’m fit. At my school, I’m the president of the recycling club. Since my school doesn’t recycle, I myself and a few others collect recyclable items and recycle it ourselves. As for SAT and ACT, that is yet to be taken care of.

I’m not sure if this is good enough, but I have faith and working my best to fit the desired requirements. In addition, I’m in deadly need of any help or tip regardless if it is bad or good. Any new extracurricular activities I should be looking into? Change in classes? Should I do this or that? Thank you everyone.

There’s no way to give any chances without standardized test scores. Those are of the highest importance in the admissions process along with class rank. You are also weak in leadership positions and having only one sport will hurt your chances.