Chances of getting into UC Davis, UCSD, UC Santa Cruz

Here are my stats
GPA: W 4.16, UW 3.6
SAT: 1410

APs: AP Physics 2 (Freshman Year extenuating circumstances) AP World 3 AP Calc AB 4

IB: English HL

Planning on taking AP Comp sci, Ap Lit, Ap Stats, also year 2 of HOA

Extra Curriculars:
Two sport Varsity Athlete
District wide representative of social awarness club for my highschool
ASB leadership commissioner

I am applying to all the UCs (not UCR or UCM) but I love Davis and would really like to go there I want to know what my chances are based on my stats. Also what are some things that would really raise my chances. Im also going to take SAT Subject tests for Math 2 and Physics.

UC recalculated GPAs from ?

Intended major?

UCSC probably but, Davis will be a coin toss. I’d also apply to SDSU and perhaps CSULB as safety options

good luck

If your UW GPA is 3.6, then your UC GPA capped weighted puts you in the 3.8-4.0 range.

Just based on UC capped weighted GPA only and not specific for majors, the following were 2017 UC admit rates. If you plan to pursue a competitive major (STEM), then these admit rates will be lower. 2018 admit rates hopefully will be posted this Fall.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 12.6%
UCLA: 11.7%
UCSD: 38.7%
UCSB: 53.6%
UCD: 56.5%
UCI: 52.1%
UCSC: 75.7%
UCR: 90.1%
UCM: 96.1%

So UCSC looks like a Match. UCD a High Match and UCSD a Low Reach. UCR would probably be a safety school.

All the UC’s are very GPA focused and consider HS course rigor, test scores and essays very important. Spend time on your 4 personal insight essays and make them shine.

Best of luck.