Chances Of Getting into UCR, UCSD, or UCI?

Hello there, my name is kynedi. I wanted to know with these factors, if I can get into any of these schools? Thank you :slight_smile:
P.s: In these schools, I want to study computer science.

As far as academics, I have a 4.1 GPA, and a 1020 SAT score, but plan to retake it and score a 1250
I have taken a couple of AP’s both with A’s but got 2 on the AP tests.
I’ve taken courses at a community college with one C but the rest A’s
I am low income and African American
Raised in a single parent family

Now for extracurricular activities:

As far as extracurricular activities, I have around 410 hours of community service, I am the president of the Christian Club, Had only about one internship, member of CSF for 4 semesters, student leader in a youth group, a youth leader at my church, for awards I got 4 principals Distinction awards, and one Presidential medal of volunteerism. I also got a Distinction Award from my school.

I’ve done multiple clothes drives around my community raising up around 600 pieces of clothes to local homeless every year.

I also say a lot in my application that I enroll my Christian Club in volunteerism in their community.

If you have a good estimate, I would love to hear it! :slight_smile:

*note: I have been president of the club for 2 years.
I am also in the top 9% of my class

First, congratulations on doing well in HS.

A few questions, and then I’m sure others will be along to provide the statistics.

  1. What is your capped UC GPA? Your SAT scores, even with a 1250, will likely be a barrier to admission to UCSD and UCI, especially in an impacted major like CS. Please provide the subsection test scores for math and reading.
  2. Are you a California resident?

Be aware that by law your URM status will have no bearing on admission, and UC’s will offer zero merit financial aid to OOS students.

  1. My capped UC GPA IS 4.077. For my subsection scores on my 1020: Command of Evidence: 11, Words in context:8, Expression of ideas:9, Standard English Conventions:6,Heart of Algebra:8,Problem Solving and Data Analysis:9, Passport to Advanced Math:7
  2. Yes I am a California resident

What is your Math SAT score vs EBRW?
You have a solid UC GPA but your test scores are below the 25th percentile for all the schools on your list, even UCR. CS will be a tough admit for all the UC’s with current scores. If you can your SAT score up to 1250, then UC Merced, Riverside and Santa Cruz would be your target schools. Right now UC Merced is the only solid Match school for CS. I suggest you add several Cal States. SDSU and Cal Poly SLO might be slight Reaches but you stand a good chance at the rest. Race/ethnicity not considered in Cal state or UC admissions as stated above.
Also look at some private universities if you want your play your URM card.

Best of luck and apply widely especially for CS.

Sorry I wasn’t clear, by subscores I meant the top numbers for math and evidence based reading/writing. Example: 520 math/500 reading & writing. The math score will be most important for you as an applicant for Engineering.

That’s great that you are a CA resident.

My math SAT score is around a 480, but plan on getting it up too 550. I also applied for psychology in those colleges. I put computer science as an alt. Major. Does that change my chances into getting into the UC’s?

Oops, my bad. 480 for math and 540 for English. Plan on getting a 700 English and 550 math. I also plan on going on to psychology too. I just put CS as my alt. Major. What are my chances now?

My math SAT score is around a 480, but plan on getting it up too 550. I also applied for psychology in those colleges. I put computer science as an alt. Major. Does that change my chances into getting into the UC’s? UCI is my top school, because I know it will be very hard to get into UCLA or UCB. Do I have the ability to get into UCI with my extracuriculars and volunteer service?

Everything we’ve heard is that the UC admissions process heavily weights GPA and test scores, with essays as differentiators. ECs may also be differentiators, but are not as heavily weighed.

Putting CS as your first choice is a good idea, since it will be the most impacted major at all of the schools you’ve mentioned.