<p>I'm from California from an extremely competitive school. Gpa: 3.61W/3.33UW ACT is 31. Applying for a computer science major (not engineering). I am president of two clubs (co founded one) Worked at a software company. Have 100+community service hours. Played violin for 11 years. Lived in India for six years (before high school). I have a filmmaking background and make music videos professionally. What are my chances?</p>
<p>Also Iām a current senior so that gpa is my 9-
11 gpa. I took many weighted like Honors chemistry, honors anatomy, honors pre calculus, AP chemistry, AP US history, AP comp gov (current), honors physics (current)</p>
<p>You sound like a very well rounded student. You have an interesting set of extracurriculars and they will help you distinguish yourself among other applicants. I think your GPA is a little in the low side but im assuming you took accekeated classes and challenged yourself. Also, your ACT score easily makes up for it. I think you have excellent chances at being a Husky!</p>
<p>Chance me back
<a href=āhttp://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1706041-university-of-minnesota-twin-cities.html#latestā>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1706041-university-of-minnesota-twin-cities.html#latest</a></p>