Chances of getting into VT

<p>There are a lot of these threads, but a 'chance' would be great!</p>

Out of State (MA)
Comp Sci
Regular Decision</p>

<p>SAT: 2090
Math: 760
Reading: 750
Writing: 580</p>

<p>ACT: 32
Math: 34
Reading: 33
Writing: 28
Science: 32</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 unweighted</p>

<p>I have taken a lot of 'honors' classes during my four years, but I have never taken an AP class. I really never saw the need until this Fall, so I was too late. I understand the rigors of AP courses and how they prepare you for college, but I feel I am just as smart/smarter than those who are in those classes.</p>

<p>I played school sports for two years (Baseball and Football), but I decided to get a job instead (avg 20hr a week) and play in unorganized/semi-organized leagues. I have racked up about 80 hours of community service. Two of my math teachers wrote me letters of rec, since I considered that would be crucial if applying for a Comp Sci major.</p>

<p>I also selected the Corps of Cadets lifestyle option, so the university waived my application fee. Please let me know if I have a chance at getting in, and if I do what kind of merit scholarship I may be eligible for. Appreciate it, and good luck to all the other aspiring Hokies!</p>

<p>Yeah you should be set, especially with the Corps of Cadets thing.</p>

<p>Hey Patsfan - good luck with your application. My DD1 is a junior and we are from Mass too. Nice to see more and more New Englanders recognizing how great VT is.</p>