Chances of getting off of waitlist?

Hey y’all! GW was one of my top choices and I was waitlisted for obvious reasons such as choosing the most popular major and having a subpar ACT score.
I recently submitted the “KEEP me on the waitlist” form. Does anyone know the chances of getting off of the waitlist? Is there any way to even better my chances of getting off of it? Even if no one has any clue, some ideas or advice would be nice to hear!

Google the common data set for GW and look at the last few years. You can get an idea of how many students they have typically placed on the waitlist and eventually accepted.

Keep admissions up to date on any new accomplishments, and reiterate your interest when you do so. Like, don’t pepper them, but an email now and one in late April would be good. If it is your first choice school and you’d attend no matter what, tell your GC that — they might be able to help.