Chances ruined?

<p>Ok, im gearing up from ccc this year, but i think im screwed now</p>

<p>Problem is I took 2 Enlglish concurrent courses from a different ccc in High School and got C's in both of them. (I was working that year and had family problems...)</p>

<p>I also took Economics and received a B in twelfth.. this summer i took two courses and got A's and i took some APs in high school and i have about 30 credits going into this fall semester... Im wondering are my chances ruined for transferring to UCSD, UCLA or UCB as a sophmore. I feel confident and focused more than ever, but is it too late? </p>

<p>Also if i should transfer as a junior, should I take the Honors transfer program @ my ccc?</p>

<p>First of all, UCs don't allow ccc transfers for sophmores. You have to have 60 units, or be at junior-standing. And yes, you should take the honors transfer program at your ccc as it can increase your chances to UCLA (assuming your school has TAP).</p>

<p>So if you have 30 units comming into this semester, you should apply this November, because basically, 30 units = 1 year already at a CCC. However, if you cannot complete the IGETC and major prereqs for your intended major by Spring 2006, then you should probablly stay another year (info about IGETC/major prereqs for your school can be obtained @ <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;.&lt;/p>

<p>what do you plan on majoring in? if these classes aren't related to your majors then dont worry about it. ALSO keep in mind that UCs look at grade trends (start bad then finish strong). I have a friend who got into haas who had B's in both econ 1 and math 1a. So to be optimistic, work hard now and show them the kind of student you actually are.</p>

<p>planning to major in political science.. The two C's were in Enlgish 101 and 102 at a different ccc,the B was in Economics, so they arent related towards my major. The classes Im taking this fall are Poly sci 1, 2, & 7(for pre req], Meteorology 3 (for IGETC) and Stats 1 (for major pre-req) I believe i can have 60 credits by the end of spring (5 classes fall and spring semester and plus one or two winter classes). Do i have any chances for applying in the fall to those schools above granted i maintain A's? Im also be working this fall too. If it makes a difference, do the uc's look at financial situations too (family makes below 20,000 and no one in my intermediate family has gone to a four year college too)? If i apply and dont get accepted, can i apply next fall also? But if that may be the case, should i just go ahead and take the Honors Program at my ccc?</p>

<p>Would it be any benefit to retake English 101 and 102 over at the ccc Im attending now (i know i wont get any credit)? or would uc's only look at the first english courses I took it? I could still make the 60 units min. by the end of spring semester, but i could only start taking the english courses during winter quarter or the spring semester... I think i may be leaning towards taking honors now... any advice?</p>