<p>Ok, I’m expecting a letter sometime down the road in the mail from Brown…not quite sure whether 'twill be rejection or acceptance (i’m thinking more towards thelines of rejection, but cha know i’m not sure.) So,in this HORRIBLY painful period of judgment,I figured I’d fire off a chances thread to see if I should be optimistic???</p>
<p>First off, I sent a supplemental CD and extra resume to Brown.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.77/4.0 UW-----4.1/4.5-4.6 W
Rank: 44/317 UW ----- 47/317 W</p>
<p>(i refuse to post my essay here just for security purposes…i <em>Could</em> pm it but who really wants to read it? lol…altho i rather sort oflikeditfor a change i usualy hate all that i write.)</p>
<p>9th grade</p>
<p>English B+
Hon Spanish A
Hon Civics B
Hon Earth Science A-
Algebra I A
Gym B (ehh…)
Chorus A
Art 2/3 B+</p>
<p>Rank= 88/290 (freshmen year seriously doesn’t count right!!?)</p>
<p>10th grade</p>
<p>English A
Hon Spanish A
Int’l Studies A
HonBio A
Geometry A-
Wellness A-
Gym A (HMM!)
Chorus A</p>
<p>Rank = 55/317 (W)/44/317 (UW)</p>
<p>11th grade</p>
<p>Hon English A-
Hon Spanish A
American Studies A-
Hon Chem A-
AP Environmental A-
Hon Algebra II B+ (THIS ****ED ME OFF! I was.1% away from an A-)
Chorus A</p>
<p>Rank -= 42/317 (W)/34/317 UW
SO CLOSE to 10% wahhh</p>
<p>senior year (senioritis hath def. kickedin)</p>
<p>Hon Speech/comp (english) B+
Hon Spanish A
AP Gov B-
Hon Physics B+
Hon Trig B+
Chorus A
Micro. OFfice A</p>
<p>*G.L.S.E.N. board member (only high school board member in the Pittsburgh area)
*Jr. Mendelssohn Choir (grades 9, 10)-very very selective (400 audition, 50 get in)
()Performed w/Pittsburgh Symphony
*Piano for 11 years
*Chorus for 8 years
*Jazz choir/club (extremely selective)- 11th/12th grade
() Performed @ PNC Park (Pittsburgh’s baseball stadium)
- Performed Nat’l Anthem at football games and baseball games (solooo)
*Literary magazine-10th grade
*All-Star Choir (one in 15 get selected I heard)- grade 12
()Perform w/Westmoreland Philharmonic Orchestra
*County chorus-grade 12
*Classical Singers Competition in Philadelphia-2006
*Cantoring for high holidays (Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur) at Temple-grade 11/12
*Orchestra (piano) - 9th grade (volunteer)
*People to People Student Ambassador program - grade 7 (but it’s significant)
() Promotes peace and cultural networking.
*Apprenticeship w/Pittsburgh Opera-grade 12
*Voice lessons (3 years)
*Volunteer accompanist for all school choruses (before/after school)
(Grades 9,10)
*Social Action Committee at my Temple- grade 11/12
<> Co-founded and leader
*National Honors Society- grade 12 only allowed
*Peer tutoring for science and spanish- grade 12 only allowed
*Anime Club-grade 9
*Amnesty International- grade 12
*Gay Straight Alliance- grade 10, 12
*Fantasy/Creative Writing Club- grade 12
*Temple Youth Group- grade 9, 10
*Played piano at Christmas pilgrimages 2 years in a row-grade 9, 10
*Volunteer piano player for choruses-grade 9, 10
*Temple Emanu-El Israel Youth Group-grades 9,10 (3 hrs/week)
*Summer course @ Brown University!!-Summer 2006</p>
<p>ACT SCORE = 25 (i sent this NOT sat’s)</p>
<p>anything else i forgot it’ll have to do lol. I hope this is enough info OH…about that darn essay…if you’re still curious i can pm it butu seriously it’s not that long lol.</p>
<p>Thanks MUCHO for reading this!!</p>