<p>I've never been a good test taker my whole life. This was my first official SAT, I took it on October 9th.I'm a senior right now attending high school in a foreign country but I'm American.(Not iin the U.S.A)</p>
<p>The first time I took it I got a 1260 or something(Yes, I'm not the sharpest tool ). This was in 11th. (I did not know I would be moving back the U.S.A till 3 months ago, so I was ignorant about the SAT and didn't take it seriously.). For an utter dull SAT writer like me I think working hard to gain a 1780 from a 1260 is incredible, especially if you consider the span of the time.
I dont think it's that bad because I've researched online and one girl got into Purdue with a 1780. So it cant be horribe.</p>
<p>My grades here in this foreign country are as follows:</p>
<p>10th = 70% aggregate.
11th = 68%
12th = In it right now.
*When most university counsellors came to this country they told me anything from a 60-100 is considered an American A+. I've spoken to several counsellors and it seems they will inflate these aggregates to make the differences in the academic systems equal.</p>
<p>My extracurriculars are as follows:
School basketball team
Student council member
Speech and Debate club</p>
<p>I'm extremely interest in University of Texas @ Dallas, Texas A&M, and RUTGERS New Brunswick.</p>
<p>I've spoken it UTD and Rutgers Camden counsellors and I've explained the entire scenario. UTD guy told me I'd get in "typically" because people with a CR +M of 1200 or above are guarenteed admission or something. Mine is 1210.</p>
<p>Rutgers lady told me I "appear to be a promising candidate for Rutger Camden campus".</p>
<p>I just wanted all of your perspectives . I'd really appreciate it if you can fill me in on if the colleges I've chosen will take me or if you know anything else that I sound like a prospective admittant for.
BTW: I will not be writing the SAT again even though I believe I can get a 1900+. It's too late and I've already lost hope on a branded undergraduate school. So please dont reply with any assumption of me writing again.</p>