
<p>Hi, so I just wanted to know my chances of getting into UWMadison
Senior this fall
Out of State
ACT:27 (I'm taking it again in September)
GPA:3.9 (My school goes by total, we don't have a weighted or unweighted cumulative)
Class rank:100/535 (so top 19%, my school is very competitive)
Class Rigor: I've been taking honors and AP classes throughout my high school career and I'm taking 4 AP courses this year so yes, i would say my class rigor has been increasing each year.
Extracurricular activities: 2 years of tennis, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, SADD Club, I'm an active volunteer and I plan on adding more clubs and another volunteering source to my list. Also, I am a peer mentor.</p>

<p>Vast middle or somewhere around 50-50. Worth a shot for sure. Probable defer for Fall grades.</p>

<p>Do you think if I get deferred I could get in without being wait listed? I don’t think my credentials are that horrific…</p>

<p>Possibly. btw- “School very competitive”. This won’t mean that much- everyone’s school has competition, 19% of the students did better than you did. One could wonder if that many students had that high, or higher, gpa as well.</p>

<p>If you do very well. Also moving ACT up a point or two would help quite a bit. The average is now about 28.5. Combine two and you move into likely range.</p>