
<p>White Male
Small, rural high school in upstate New York
Colleges Applying To: Case Western Reserve, Georgia Tech, Lehigh, U Pittsburgh, Pitzer, RPI, Skidmore, Vassar, and some other safeties that I didn't list
GPA-95.07/100, school doesn't weight grades and I don't know what this translates to on a 4.0 scale...3.8 maybe?
Rank-7/110 or so; top 10%
SAT Verbal- 620
SAT Math- 700
SAT Writing- 660
Total- 1320/1980
ACT- Taking in December, expect 29-31</p>

<p>School doesn't offer any APs, just classes affiliated with local community colleges. I have taken the most rigorous schedule available at my school.</p>

<p>Awards- 8 Varsity Letters, Rensselaer Medal (probably only a help at RPI), "Trivia Team" League MVP and 2nd team All-City, All-League selection in outdoor track</p>

<p>ECs- Trivia Team (9, 10 JV) (11, 12 V) Aforementioned awards junior year
Soccer- (9, 10 JV) (11, 12 V)
Indoor and Outdoor Track- (9, 10, 11, 12 V). All-League for outdoor junior year
National Honor Society- (11,12)
Church Worship Band- I have played drums in this band for four years.
Varsity Club- Senior year (should have joined earlier....)
American Legion Boys' State
Jazz Band/Concert Band- 4 years
Johns Hopkins CTY in middle school (probably doesn't mean anything)</p>

<p>Work experience- Worked as soccer referee during the summer between my sophomore and junior year</p>

<p>Essay- The people reviewing it say that it is pretty good.
Recs- Should be decent</p>

<p>I'm definitely applying to Case, RPI and Vassar. I may or may not end up applying to the others. I'm open to any other suggestions. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Look good for Georgia Tech and Pitt, probably pretty much in RPI. </p>

<p>Lehigh and Case may be slight reaches. Can you be recruited for track, with the all-league selection?</p>

<p>It seems like you have great chances you have solid EC’s!</p>

<p>Here’s mine if you wanna look!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I probably won’t be able to be recruited for track. I’m decent at it, but probably not great for the college level. Thanks for the reply.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input. I chanced you back. Any other opinions?</p>

<p>bump…anyone else?</p>

<p>bump…other opinions?</p>

<p>Yeah i’d say in at all too. I want to get into georgia tech too haha</p>

<p>chance me?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks. anybody else?</p>


<p>bump…i’ll chance back</p>


<p>here’s my senior courseload if needed as well</p>

College English
College Calculus
College U.S. History
Phys. Ed (Required…)
Participation In Government (Required)
Economics (Required, Couldn’t fit college economics into my schedule)

<p>I definitely think you’re essentially in at all of yours.</p>

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks…any more?</p>

<p>one last bump haha</p>