
<p>Gender: M
Location: Texas
High School: Public
High School Type: sends a pretty good amount of students to top schools, very competitive high school..ranked top 20 on US News
Applying for financial aid: No</p>

<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.40
GPA - Weighted: 3.98
Class Rank: top 25%
Class Size: 500
SAT I: 2210 (660 CR, 800 M, 750 W)
SAT IIs: 780 Math IIc, 660 Literature
ACT: 33 Composite (35 E, 36 M, 33 R, 28 S)
^retaking in dec..hoping for a 35 or 36</p>

part of my high schools spelling team (captain 2 years)
went to 2 summer programs (one in architecture, one in photography) at Duke and UPenn, respectively
Latin Club/Junior Classical League Latin
Latin National Honor Society
Photo Club
Tutoring (self-employed)</p>

Summa Cum Laude on National Latin Exam
1st Prize in my schools technology fair for digital media
Commended National Merit Scholar
AP Scholar</p>

<p>AP Scores:
Calc AB: 4
English Language and Comp.: 4
World History: 3
Psychology: 3
the rest are bad...haha</p>

<p>Most rigorous courseload
Schedule this year:
AP Calc BC
AP Stats
AP English Lit
AP Govt
AP Economics
Accounting (College Credit/Honors course)</p>

<p>Essays: good (i think, at least)
Recs: great, and a couple from professors at UPenn
Portfolio: good</p>

<p>I'm applying to the College of Fine Arts. What do you think my chances are?</p>

<p>Sounds really good, just make sure you have a solid portfolio.</p>

<p>Academically you are fine, but which division of CFA are you applying to? Fine Arts and design are very much portfolio based, but Architecture will probably need some killer recs. I assume from your stats that you aren’t thinking Drama, which is a whole separate world. Be sure to interview/portfolio review in person, as that demonstrates interest.</p>

I’m submitting my portfolio online, but I attended the National Portfolio Day which was in early October. Do you think it’s important that I fly to CMU and have a review there?</p>

<p>I can only give you my D’s experience. She sent her portfolio but did not interview or visit (we’re from the West coast)-we thought CMU was a long shot. In the spring, they called and asked to speak to her. She had just left for a school trip to Italy, so we arranged a visit/interview for when she got back. After about ten minutes, they told her she was in, but they wanted to make sure she was up the rigorous kind of program they offer (she was up for Drama Design). On the trip we found she had also been accepted to Fine Arts, so she had to make a decision on the spot. I think they consider the level of interest shown in admissions. If you can, I’d suggest a trip there to have a personal review and sit in on a class. She had an awesome experience there-but be prepared to work hard if you get in.</p>