change of major?

<p>I applied for my first and second choice major as chemical engineering a while back, and will hear back from the engineering school in a few months. I don't know exactly what field of engineering I really want to go into though, so when would I be able to change my major once I began to attend the school?</p>

<p>Moving within the school of engineering isn’t that hard. If you decide at orientation you want to be in an other engineering major, you should be able to move with very little problem.</p>

<p>really, all I have to do is say so and they change it? I thought you had to wait at the end of the semester or something to change a major. </p>

<p>I don’t even know if I was accepted to the school of engineering at all yet, but I’ll see maybe in a few weeks.</p>

<p>Yeah, if you don’t get into the school of engineering, it may be a different story. Although, Since I haven’t done it my self, I can’t say for 100% certainty. I do know that other people were able to do it in some of the other schools for sure. And really, worst case, you just take a bunch of the pre-reqs like physics, math, etc, so it isn’t that big of a deal either way.</p>