I was admitted to UW Madison as an intended economics major. However, now I have decided that I want to dual major in econ and BBA. So how do I go about that? Do I ask for my intended major to be changed to pre-business? Or do I let it stay econ? At SOAR, do I meet my Honors Adviser or the WSOB adviser?</p>
<p>Thank you for your answers in advance!</p>
<p>From a post a few years ago on this board, one incoming student stated that if you are considering dual majors in different areas (College of Letters & Science and School of Business) that you should use CCAS (Cross-College Advising) for SOAR.</p>
<p>More info:</p>
<p>[CCAS:</a> Prospective Students](<a href=“http://www.ccas.wisc.edu/prospective.html]CCAS:”>http://www.ccas.wisc.edu/prospective.html)</p>
<p>What School of Business major are you considering?</p>
<p>[Majors</a>, Certificates & Specializations](<a href=“http://bus.wisc.edu/bba/academics-and-programs/majors]Majors”>http://bus.wisc.edu/bba/academics-and-programs/majors)</p>
<p>Here is a link for School of Business advising information. You may want to call or email to ask your question, the people are very helpful.</p>
<p>[Advising</a> and Academic Support](<a href=“http://bus.wisc.edu/bba/academics-and-programs/academic-support]Advising”>http://bus.wisc.edu/bba/academics-and-programs/academic-support)</p>
<p>Here’s a link to pre-business requirements:</p>
<p>[Curriculum</a> & Degree Requirements](<a href=“http://bus.wisc.edu/bba/academics-and-programs/curriculum-degree-requirements]Curriculum”>http://bus.wisc.edu/bba/academics-and-programs/curriculum-degree-requirements)</p>
<p>One more thought: there is a Direct Admit program to the School of Business for incoming freshmen:</p>
<p><a href=“http://bus.wisc.edu/bba/admissions/wisconsin-bba-direct-admit-program[/url]”>http://bus.wisc.edu/bba/admissions/wisconsin-bba-direct-admit-program</a></p>
<p>So if you think you’d qualify for consideration, then you may choose to get on the phone to change your status now to pre-business. I’d suggest calling the Admissions office to do that.</p>
<p>By the Numbers</p>
<p>The following is a typical profile of the student being considered for direct admission.</p>
<p>**PLEASE NOTE: These are not set requirements or parameters; not all students within the following will be considered for direct admit status. This profile is derived from recent classes of direct admit students.</p>
<p>ACT: 30-34 (one-time composite score)
SAT: 1340-1510 (Math and Critical Reading sections)
*Rank: Top 3% of graduating class
*GPA: 3.8/4.00 scale
<p>**Other factors obtained through the UW-Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment application process are considered</p>
<p>I see you are International from India with a 32 ACT score and 2180 SAT. Congrats! Maybe it would be easier for you to email Admissions rather than call?</p>
<p>Here is some more information on that from a link I found:</p>
<p>"I listed an intended major on my application for admission, but I’ve changed my mind; how can I change it?</p>
<p>You can email <a href=“mailto:onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu”>onwisconsin@admissions.wisc.edu</a> using the email you provided on your application and notify us of the change you’d like to make."</p>
<p>Not that you asked, but UW’s Chadbourne Residence Hall (dorm) is across the street from the School of Business and has a well-regarded ‘Learning Community’:</p>
<p><a href=“https://www.housing.wisc.edu/crc[/url]”>https://www.housing.wisc.edu/crc</a></p>
<p>Please do NOT consider the location of a dorm relative to any academic building as a criteria in your dorm selection. Your year’s classes will be held in various locations around campus. Consider the environment you would most like to live in when choosing your dorm. There is a lot of information about this on the UW website and you can ask the international students organization questions as well.</p>
<p>Do not worry at all about changing your proposed major(s). Your SOAR orientation as a foreign student will be held just before classes begin (so you do not need to make an extra trip next summer). Stating a major helps you in getting the most appropriate advisor. An Honors advisor will be in L&S- likely a good idea since you will want to best schedule Honors classes your first semester. The Honors Program advisor is most likely most knowledgeable about getting the best courses for your first semester. The prebusiness advisor may not be as knowledgeable about L&S Honors courses as the Honors advisor is about what you need for business your first year. Once you are on campus you will learn more about navigating the system and changing advisors as needed in future semesters.</p>
<p>There are some good Indian restaurants- one near campus and at least two on the west side you will enjoy. There are also some Indian grocery stores on the west side to buy Indian snacks et al. Bus service from campus to those areas. You will learn about all sorts of things with orientation and through the student organizations.</p>
<p>Professors, admissions, Res Halls will be receptive to emails. You could email the Honors program asking which advisor would be best for you- Business or Honors- since you want both fields.</p>
<p>Thank you all for your well-thought out responses.
@Madison- I am really interested in economics, but at the same time, I would like to get the real world knowledge of a BBA in most probably Finance & Investment banking.
I got an email from WSOB explicitly asking me to meet the business advisers at SOAR first and the L&S ones.
BTW, I wasn’t really thinking about joining a learning community. I listed Dejope as my first choice. Should I really think of joining a learning community?
@wis75- I’m just worried about dejope as my dorm because its the furthest from the main campus and I am not used to sub-zero temperatures. I don’t want to walk in the cold.
Thank you for your info on Indian restaurants.
You have such extensive knowledge on UW, are you a student there? or are you Indian?</p>
<p>Learning Communities cost about $200-$300 more and include more planned social activities that can help you make friends with other students and get adjusted to college life. </p>
<p>Have you read about the Learning Communities? There is a multicultural one, and a freshman one (Bradley) that you may be interested in.</p>
<p>[Learning</a> Communities at UW-Madison](<a href=“http://www.learning.wisc.edu/communities/]Learning”>http://www.learning.wisc.edu/communities/)</p>
<p>[Learning</a> Communities | University Housing at UW-Madison](<a href=“http://www.housing.wisc.edu/lc]Learning”>http://www.housing.wisc.edu/lc)</p>
<p>My favorite Indian restaurant (ate there yesterday) is Swagat on the corner of High Point Road and Old Sauk Road on the far west side of Madison (about 7-8 miles from campus). I LOVE Chicken Tikka Masala!</p>
<p>I was a student in the early 1980s, and my kids go to UW now.</p>
<p>Oh ok! I will look into these!<br>
You aren’t of Indian ethnicity I believe then! 
That’s great to know… I will have paneer tikka masala… I’m vegetarian. You should try that too… it is pretty great!
Are you a student at Madison too?</p>