Changing Majors after 1st Quarter of Freshmen Year

<p>Beforehand, I wanted to major in Sociology/Urban Studies/Planning, but I guess parent-pressure and future opportunities made me want to switch to a science major, maybe BioSci or Biomedical engineering? I applied for the socio majors in UCI, UCD, and UCSD, with my #1 school being Davis. So suppose I get in one of these schools, and from what I heard, I won’t be able to change my major until the end of first quarter freshmen year. So if I fill in this “change-of-major petition”, is it likely that I can transfer from socio to biosci/biomed by 2nd quarter? I have already taken AP Bio in high school and passed the exam, so it might allow me to skip one of the UC Bio classes or so. I am lost and I really don’t know if I could make the major change and graduate within four years. Thank You.</p>

<p>I don’t know about Davis or SD, but at UCI, the GE requirements are the same for all majors. So let’s say you take a Bio course, a Chem course, and a Math course (bio major courses basically). You’d be satisfying requirements for GE’s anyway. If you take Sociology courses, or w/e, you’d still be satisfying GE requirements. But I think if you really want to do Bio, just take Bio courses to be safe (since its hard to catch up once you’re behind). Oh and I think Biomedical Engineering is a hard major to transfer into, but I’m not really sure.</p>

<p>Hmm, so GE includes all science courses too right, so you can choose whichever science course you want to take? And I heard that you can change your major at orientation, but will that take effect before freshmen year starts?</p>

<p>yes - you can change your major during orientation and it will be in effect by the beginning of the year. Depending on which school you go to, there may be a few majors you cannot switch into easily; engineering is this way at all of the UC’s, I believe.</p>

<p>What oceanpartier is saying is that all undergraduates have to take general education (GE) courses, and that some of these GE requirements can be fulfilled through taking intro biology (for example), even if you decide not to major in bio. To answer your question: no, it is probably not the case that EVERY science course you might take fulfills a GE requirement. This is something you’d need to ask a counselor about or look up in the course catalog.</p>

<p>Just curious, why are you specifically interested in switching into bio science or bme if your main motivation is “future opportunities?” You know, you can probably find a major you’re genuinely interested in that also provides great job opportunities. Sometimes it pays to take a course in an unfamiliar discipline for this very reason.</p>

<p>Okay, gotcha. And lately, I’ve been reading the BLS Handbook online to see which careers have high salaries along with a booming job outlook + location, and I guess my area leans a lot more towards medical fields. Anyways, what class do I need to take in order to obtain the GE requirement?</p>


<p>Nobody knows…every UC has different GE requirements.</p>

<p>Well, you could just read the requirements online for each UC you are considering. It’s a lot of reading, but it helps kill time while you wait for the decisions to come out.</p>