Chapman's Business Department

<p>How would you rate it? Please do your best to remove as much bias as possible so we keep this accurate. Thanks</p>

<p>Does anyone have an opinion?</p>

<p>From: [Chapman</a> University Argyros - LinkedIn](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/in/chapmanargyrosbusiness]Chapman”>http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/in/chapmanargyrosbusiness)


<p>Here is some general info:
[Chapman</a> University: Undergraduate Profile ? BusinessWeek](<a href=“]Chapman”>Bloomberg - Are you a robot?)</p>

<p>From: [Colleges</a> and Universities Search - Chapman University The George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics -](<a href=“Top colleges and business schools for entrepreneurs.”>Top colleges and business schools for entrepreneurs.)</p>



<p>Does anyone have a rough idea of what the average gpa is for transfer students coming from CCs under a business administration major?</p>

<p>^ I would also like to know</p>