CHE 491 in the FALL! Woo Hoo

<p>Change. </p>

<p>This Fall, UA will have a trial of doing CHE 491 in the Fall semester. It will be a 4 hour credit course that meets MW 2-7. This means that scholarship students will not have to use a semester of their scholarship for the previously required Summer Lab!</p>

<p>Here’s hoping his goes well and will be continued in the future. This was a major concern for a few of those considering Alabama for their NMSF scholarship. The Chem E major was one of the few that required a Summer lab that either required the student to utilize a semester for the Summer course or pay for the course out of pocket.</p>

<p>This is a change for the better. Kudos to UA for finding a solution to the problem.</p>

<p>Great news. Hope they try this for a few semesters to give it a real chance.</p>

<p>16 lucky students will be the test group.</p>

<p>Great news! So, will it be first come, first serve for signups?</p>

<p>I think there was a selection process by Dr. Lane this year. 16 students that applied were “lucky” and chosen for the initial course. Hopefully, the course will be successful and continued in the future.</p>

<p>I have already sent my “Thank You!” to Dr. Bonner…</p>

<p>Congrats on the change. What a relief for the ChemE students. Kudos to Bama for doing this.</p>

<p>So, are rising seniors going to be part of this group? Lots of son’s friends were planning to do this this summer, and he was thinking of staying on campus and taking classes if he doesn’t get an internship. This was a nice prospect for him, as he would be able to live with friends this summer. </p>

<p>Glad it’s worked out for some of you. It will be a lot of work, for sure, so I’d recommend a lighter load that semester for those who are able to take the class.</p>

<p>This will be a ‘test’ class. Dr. Lane apparently chose from a group that expressed interest? I think they had to submit an application for inclusion in the course. A group of 16 students was selected for the Fall ‘test’ course. Unfortunately, I don’t think the rising seniors that were not accepted to this ‘test’ class will be able to get around the lab this Summer.</p>

<p>Yes, the group is already selected. I know at least some of the selected were OOS and rising seniors. I wonder if perhaps they all were, but you did have to apply for the fall class, so who knows how many applied?</p>

<p>Not all. DS is a rising Junior but has had a good bit of independent research experience from his REU and work he is doing for a company in T-Town.</p>

<p>the 16 have already been selected. i would guess that MOST are rising seniors, because this class is supposed to be taken between junior and senior year.</p>

<p>montegut, your sons friends would know by now whether they are in the trial class or not.</p>