Chem 1A Grading

<p>I was wondering if all three profs (Stacy, Majda, and Arnold) grade on the same curve across all of their classes. I am signed up right now for Stacy because she got the best reviews around and the "distinguished teacher award" or w/e, but I think I need to switch to Majda to resolve a schedule conflict.</p>

<p>On pickaprof, Stacy and Majda have different grade distributions, and Stacy's is much more favorable. Does this mean that they would have different ways of grading their courses this fall? I heard they all have the same midterms and finals, but does anyone know how grading works then?</p>

<p>Someone posted in another thread that everyone takes the same test and has the same grading distribution</p>

<p>I had read that also, but I wasn’t certain that was true because of the differences in grade distributions on pickaprof for Majda and Stacy (Stacy was much better). Maybe this is because they didn’t teach at the same times as each other in the past? </p>

<p>Can anyone confirm that all Chem 1A profs will have the same tests and grade distributions?</p>

<p>all of the professors have the same exact tests, and the same exact way of grading. the difference in grade distributions must either be an error on the site (i never liked pickaprof) or coincidence that people with one professor tended to do better. i had majda and he was fine. if you don’t like him, the you may be able to watch stacy on the webcast. that’s who they recorded when i took it. but grading is all the same.</p>

<p>bump for answers!</p>

<p>Yes, it’s the exact same test and same grading distribution. The grading is done by the GSIs and your whole test isn’t just graded by one person. Since this is the case, there will be discrepancies in grading but they should all be following the same general guidelines. Therefore, grading doesn’t depend on which lecture you go to or which lab you’re assigned to. </p>

<p>One reason why there might be a difference in the grading distribution (besides errors) might be that Stacy is a better teacher. If the distributions are based on who enrolled in what class, it would make sense that Stacy’s class has more A’s (I’m assuming) since she is able to explain the material better. Those students then go on to do better on the exams. This is just my guess though. When I took chem 1a, I went to both lectures (Stacy and Majda). I can definitely say that Majda missed things that Stacy went over.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for the help. I was planning on formally signing up for Majda but trying to attend Stacy as well when possible, like you did aerials.</p>