Chem Engr major chance

<p>Lets see if anyone can do this one (my younger bro's stats)... btw, he's transferring from a community college.</p>

<p>Major: Chem Engr (applying to UCB as chem engr & materials)
GPA: 3.54
Prereqs: Done at the end of Spring
IGETC: Done at the end of Fall
Schools applying to: UCB, UCLA, UCI, UCSD, and UCSB
EC's: none</p>

<p>NOtes: top of his ochem class, upward grade trend (and a 3.50 GPA in his lower div's), finished all prereqs and igetc within two years of graduating high school</p>

<p>The only school he actually cares for is UCB but i know that UCB has an ultra competitive especially at chem e... So if anyone knows anything about cal's chem engr program, any input for my bro would be helpful. Thank you in advance.</p>
