<p>Hi, I'm an incoming freshMAN with a burning question regarding Chem 6A, B, C and 7L. I plan on taking Chem6A my first quarter, but I was wondering about Chem 7L since the class planner doesn't give a description about the course. </p>
<p>lol What the heck is it, really? Can I take it concurrently with any of the Chem6A, B, or C classes? (I am under the impression that "L" stands for "Laboratory")</p>
<p>If it turns out that those are 4 SEPARATE classes I need to take in 4 separate quarters, then things might get a little hairy for me since I want to destroy the chem classes within my freshmen year in order to try for Exceptional Admissions into my impacted major.</p>
<p>Also, does anyone know if it is easy to finish up a chem class in Summer school? </p>
<p>Thank you so much in advance for the help from the wondrous people here at CC! You know who you are. ^^</p>
<p>I think you take Chem 6C and Chem 7L at the same time.</p>
<p>Chem 7L (yes it’s a lab class) is the renaming of Chem 6BL. It’s recommended to be taken concurrently with Chem 6C, so you’re good.</p>
<p>Cool! Thank you Kings for all your help! Now I have one less thing to worry about.</p>
<p>“…since I want to destroy the chem classes within my freshmen year in order to try for Exceptional Admissions into my impacted major.”
you’re set, then! “destroy” away!
this is the normal progression of general chem classes that many freshmen go through (6A, 6B, 6C and BL/7L). just work hard and you will get through it, good luck : )</p>
<p>there’s no requirement that you have to take 6B and 7L at the same time. obviously there are perks if you’re trying to use it to sell yourself for an impacted major, but there might even be a tiny advantage in taking 7L after you’ve completed the 6 series.</p>
<p>advantage? what do you mean?</p>
<p>for one, you’ll know more chemistry by then.</p>