Choosing my IB subjects

Hi, I am studying IB next year, and I have been looking through the some US California University’s websites, especially San Jose University, since I am considering to learn forensic science when I get to collage. However, are there any requirements for choosing a forensic science as my major. Because currently, I don’t know if I need to take Chemistry HL, Biology HL…etc as my subjects for next year. Is there any advises or subjects you do recommend me to choose for IB? Thanks!

P.S. I am a USA citizen, therefore I wont be applying as a International student.


Chemistry HL is one of the hardest IB classes they offer. Really they both look good for forensics. Which subject do you like better? Chem is really knowledge and application where Bio is more memorization.

Take your HL exams in the subjects you are most comfortable with. It won’t affect admission to your degree program. Also SJSU only gives college credit for HL tests with a score of 6 or 7. So, take the subjects that are easy for you so you can score high and not have to retake the class in college.

Says that The Forensic Science program at SJSU offers Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees with concentrations in Chemistry and Biology and a Minor in Forensic Studies for students interested in forensic investigations.

So I would take either HL Bio or HL Chem to be well prepared. Even if you don’t HAVE to take them, others you are competing in class with may have taken the equivalent.