Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

<p>Asking whether Yale reviews their applications thoroughly now makes me question the validity of your claim. </p>

<p>Besides, clam fart, while funny, simply does not sound like a legitimate EC. I mean, maybe if you said you were clam-farting with low-income children, or feeding clam farts to the poor at a homeless shelter, it would sound legit, but clam-farting on its own sounds ridiculous.</p>


<p>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy crap, I haven't laughed this hard at a post on the internetz in a loong time! Oh mannn I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. </p>

<p>Lol I am still giggly over this! Oh man, the fact that you are stressing out over this is even funnier to me. Aww, you are too cute, I swear haha! Don't worry about it- I'm sure the adcoms will realize it was a typo. If you are really bothered by it, you could try calling them and letting them know it was a typo, but I would feel even sillier doing that... ("Uh yeah, I'd like to inform you guys about a typo on my essay." "What was it?" "Uhhh clam fart. Yeah, totally did not mean that.")</p>

<p>Good luck! Let's hope Yale has a sense of humor and admits you. ;)</p>

<p>funny as it is, didn't the admission deadline pass long ago ?</p>

<p>Er, what was it supposed to be?</p>

<p>Edit: I see now. Well, good luck calling them and such.</p>

<p>I know everyone keep saying "oh, it's just a typo, they'll understand," but I mean, how can CLAM FART be taken as a typo?!! It's not like I misspelled something...... I WROTE CLAM FART! Oh my god, I'm turning red just thinking about it! I'm so mortified! I think I'm going to withdraw my application or something so that they can't read it (if they haven't already). Don't colleges pass info back and forth to each other about candidates (i.e. that's why they tell you not to say anything bad or do anything bad to a college because others will find out about it)? Oh man, I can't even imagine.......</p>

<p>troll. funny, amusing, entertaining and clever troll. maybe even a Wishnik</p>

<p>"troll. "</p>

<p>Yeah, I wish this was a joke.</p>

<p>when did you realize your error ? today, or the application deadline ?</p>

<p>one of the admissions officers is gonna google clam fart to figure out if its a real thing, and he/she is gonna see this thread...that is easily the funniest thing i've ever read on CC, i may have pee'd my pants laughing so hard</p>

<p>ur a very devoted clam farter haha
if u got in, it would be the best thing ever</p>

<p>delete this off here asap, unless you want the adcoms to see your clam-farting mistake :]</p>

<p>if nothing comes in when they google search, then I'm sure they'll ask you about it. By then, have a good explanation (or the truth, if you prefer, hahahaah)</p>

<p>LMAO ur kidding rite?!?!?! haha this is soooooooo laughing to parents think im weird..</p>


<p>For the uninitiated, clam farting is actually a well-defined form of martial arts, in which its disciples call upon their inner soul and being to form a sort of artistic motion and control of the body, blending pratical martial arts techniques with elements of dance and exercise. It is said to be comparable with yoga in its positive effects on the flexibility and relaxation of the body, while still being as practical as the likes of taekwondo. The methods for teaching the techniques prevalent in clam farting can be quite simple, allowing for some children to pickup the techniques even in early childhood.</p>

<p>(c'mon, guys, play along! this has potential!)</p>


<p>Clam farting is a synonym for "owning" used and recognized by only the highest platforms of the elites. </p>

<p>Clam farting is a metaphor for haxing into (or out of) the toughest security, the most rigid shell.</p>

<p>You all are nubs.</p>

<p>lol. you just made my day. rofl!!</p>

<p>if you are a troll though, then props to you because this is easily one of the funniest threads i have ever read</p>

<p>If I were reading the app, you would have made me crack-up. That's a good thing. typo???? I don't think so. I do think you're in at Yale.</p>

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<p>good luck on the application that was an ingenious idea.</p>

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<p>i really dont think its a big deal at all...and it is really funny and bedhead is a total a ss...adm officers will get a laugh and they may see it as intentional and think its creative or something like that...they might appreciate something they've never seen before...dont worry about it</p>

and it is really funny and bedhead is a total a ss


<p>hey, griffon, you're the total a ss. If you actually read what I wrote -- the fact that I think he'll be in trouble because he's a fraud for claiming to have been involved with clam fart for 17 years and then post #9 -- you'd realize that I thought the post was joking (and I am still not totally convinced) and I was going along with it tongue-in-cheek.</p>

<p>If the post is real, the only thing I regret suggesting was that the OP should do anything at all (which I did say in post 9). He should let it go.</p>

<p>As to how Yale would/will/has take/n it: a toss-up IMO between: concluding that the applicant is totally immature, thinking it's hilarious and at the same time disqualifying, thinking it's hilarious and that it has no effect or even is to the favor of the person applying (where I hope the person ends up, in contrast to all the other automatons). This depends on whether the reader has a sense of humor. I think Griffon you may need to develop yours if you didn't see the irony in my post.</p>