Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!


<p>that is pretty funny.</p>

<p>easy beadhead...did you not catch my mock tone when i called you an
a ss... you couldnt hear it? you mean you couldnt tell that i was completely kidding... how could you not tell that was a joke..i mean it was so obvious. maybe you should develop your sense of come you couldnt detect the irony</p>

Griffon: there was no irony when I called you an a ss. ;)</p>


<p>You, my friend, just made my day.</p>

<p>I'd probably send a small note explaining your mistake.</p>

<p>Honestly, I would just leave it be. Everyone makes mistakes, after all we're only human. If you call of e-mail them, you'll only make everything into a bigger deal than what it already is. All you can do now is pray or hope that Yale recognizes "clam fart" as a humorous typo.</p>

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<p>lol, i bet Yale gets a lot of these mistakes for alot of apps. Many applicants don't remember having made silly errors. Yale's probably used to it.</p>

<p>Omg!! They'll probably let you in just because that is so hilarious!! I could just imagine the Yale admissions officer saying (in a highly sophisticated tone), "Clam farting? Oh my...what a unique activity! And the dedication! 17 years spent clam farting! We must accept this student! Her clam farting will add much diversity to our student body!"</p>

<p>i dont think he'll be accepted BECAUSE of this typo...perhaps, tho, they mite find it funny and it'll help you...and if they dont i doubt it will hurt you much</p>

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<p>Tell them that you meant to say "clam art", sketches of marine life.</p>

<p>If you Google "Clam Fart" at the top of the list is this discussion!
Patent the phrase and sell it as bumper stickers.</p>

<p>LOL, I like the last two posts. They're great ideas.</p>

<p>And BedHead's a giant a ss.</p>

<p>RB: From your other post: yes, you should be worried about your lack of likely letters. It's cause you are giant a s. And a clam f rter. ;)</p>

<p>wow, I really really really feel your pain
I can just see myself doing that in two years..
honestly having OCD and being like, hey lemme check it again with dread
and then being like OMGOMGOMGOGM *** DID I DO
..yeah I can relate, I once spammed my history teacher and minister of my church over e-mail :)</p>

<p>anyway, DO NOT withdraw your app, they don't know your name, who you are, etc. Might as well give them a chance. Don't call attention to it, but if the rest of your app was serious, don't sweat it..what happens, happens. Chances are if you are applying to Yale, you probably have great stats that will make you succeed. </p>

<p>Also, can you tell us exactly what it says? Hahaha like retype that part?? This way we can laugh (no offense) but also see any connotation in the way you wrote it and what degree of typo-ness it is:)</p>

<p>Also, we all have no idea because frankly, this doesn't happen least now you stand out..not a faceless hopeful :)</p>

<p>Tell them that you meant to say "clam art", sketches of marine life.----that is a really good idea, make a really good picture of one and tell them it took 17 years to make..wait, aren't you 17/18? Thats a lot of clams</p>

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<p>I would accept you for that.</p>

Also, can you tell us exactly what it says? Hahaha like retype that part?? This way we can laugh (no offense) but also see any connotation in the way you wrote it and what degree of typo-ness it is


<p>Why not? I'm already ruined, so what's the difference... I wasn't going to write it all on here in case the admissions officer reviewing my application decided to look it up, but it's not like I have a chance at this point, so I don't even care.</p>

<p>I wrote it in the "optional supplemental materials" section (I had 2 research projects I participated in) of the Yale supplement to the common app:</p>

Practicing clam fart techniques for the last 17 years has been extremely rewarding; it has provided substantial socioeconomic stability for my family and I, in addition to being a rather enjoyable pastime. When I asked myself, "What is the epitome of a Yale student?," I answered "Clam fart." I can only hope that you answer the same.


<p>And that's where I stopped it (at the time, I was laughing too hard to continue writing). I told you it was bad....</p>

<p>Oh my God, I just want to crawl in a hole and die. You still think I shouldn't withdraw my application? I really think I'm going to. That's just too awful.</p>

<p>roflmao; you don't have a chance in hell of getting in ;)</p>

<p>"roflmao; you don't have a chance in hell of getting in "</p>

<p>Yeah, thanks a lot for rubbing salt in an open wound. You're a real jerk, you know that?</p>

<p>Ok, wow, didn't you catch the wink ;) ? I'm just pulling your leg, though, admittedly, it's been pulled quite enough as it is...</p>

<p>Please let us all know the moment you get your letter of acceptance.</p>

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