Class of 2013: Journalism majors

<p>Anyone else out there?
Not sure if there is already a thread for this, if there is, sorry.</p>

<p>Where do you guys plan on applying?
What do you guys think of the "journalism is dying" theory?</p>

<p>I'll start. I plan on applying to:
Indiana - Bloomington
Illinois- Champaign
UNC- Chapel Hill
(Depending on my scores)</p>

<p>I think there will always be a need for journalism and news judgement.</p>

<p>What about you guys?</p>


<p>I’m leaning toward lit., comparative lit., political science, history…that kinda deal. I’m seriously considering journalism now, though. :slight_smile: Haha, look at the other majors I’m interested in. I don’t think I’m in any place to judge a major’s usefulness. XD</p>

<p>I agree with your stance, though.</p>

<p>Planning on applying to:
UT Austin (Woooot! <3)
…and maybe Brown and Rice.</p>

<p>I’m hoping to major in journalism as well! I plan to apply to NYU, Emory, University of Miami, University of Maryland -College Park, Drexel, Boston University, University of IL -Chicago, and some others. Good luck to all of you!</p>

<p>Northwestern, Mizzou, etc.
Also, the “journalism is dying” thing is silly. People will always need information, and while the mediums of journalism may change, a democratic informed society will always need some form of journalism to thrive.</p>

<p>I am focusing more on a video-journalism hybrid (documentaries mostly). I plan on applying to UCSC, University of Maryland, University of Washington, Cal Poly, CSU Long Beach (Safety), and UCSB for my under-grad. I am going to work my a** off to get into UC Berkley’s grad school of Journalism.</p>

<p>Who told you Emory? They don’t have a J-school. The Emory rep at the college fair last year told us his D goes to Miami cuz Emory doesn’t have it.</p>

<p>I’m definitely thinking about double majoring with Communications/Journalism, Journalism/English or maybe even Communications/English. My passion isn’t so much for Journalism itself as it is for making a change in the world. And for a writer, Journalism would be good!</p>

<p>I live in NC, so all but one of my schools are there.
I’m applying to:
Princeton (Don’t think they have a J school, they of course have English though)
UNC Chapel Hill
Wake Forest
UNC Asheville
Western Carolina University</p>

<p>But my heart’s at Chapel Hill <3</p>

<p>Well, I was EiC of my middle school paper and have been in love with journalism ever since. Recently, I was named EiC of my high school paper after being on staff for three years, and that really gave me some hope that I could pursue journalism as a career. (I had formerly been considering small liberal arts schools with English/Creative Writing majors (Swat, Kenyon, Grinelle, etc.).) </p>

<p>I really don’t think that journalism is a dying field; it’s just changing. J school leads to a lot of different career opportunities, and if you love journalism, writing, or things related, it might be a good bet. I’m currently considering:</p>

<p>UNC Chapel Hill
OU Scripps (top choice)</p>

<p>Journalism is definitely not dying, and you can go a lot of different places with a journalism degree. Communications skills (particularly new and social media) are in demand in a variety of fields and there is always a shortage of people who can write with half a clue.</p>

<p>But one thing I would definitely not recommend doing is taking out big loans (beyond Stafford) for journalism school. Entry-level salaries in the field have always been terrible and they’re not getting any better. Borrowing $100,000 to get a job that pays $25,000 a year… well, yeah, that’s just bad news. :)</p>

<p>In-State at Mizzou. Journalism isn’t dying, Journalism is transforming.</p>

<p>I’m class of '14 but EiC and CWA of my 3K+ School Population Journalism Dept.</p>

<p>I want to double major in Journalism and Economics. My dream job is to be a magazine editor, and I love journalism. But if that doesn’t go well, I have economics to fall back on, which is a more steady job.</p>

<p>I’m going to apply to:
CSU Long Beach
Sac State (my “local” school, so basically a guaranteed acceptance)
UC Irvine (maybe, I’m not 100% sure yet)</p>

<p>Northwestern (top choice, most likely ED), Syracuse, Elon, GWU, American, BU, Ithaca, Emerson, Wake Forest, and some others.</p>

<p>I’ll probs major in something else too; maybe Poly Sci or International Relations?</p>

<p>Since it’s been awhile since anybody posted, I’m just curious to see where everybody ended up!
I actually applied to a host of different schools from my original post, but I’m so excited to be attending Drake University this fall! I’m considering adding either Psychology or Marketing as a second major.
What about everyone else? Still going into journalism? Where?</p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-M830 using CC</p>

<p>I’ll be attending U of I Urbana-Champaign this fall as a broadcast journalism major. I hope more journalism majors contribute to this thread. </p>

<p>On a side note, is anyone struggling mentally between pursuing journalism (my passion) and choosing a more practical major/career? I know I shouldn’t give up my dream so quickly, but I’m so nervous with this economy. I don’t want to leave college with no job…</p>


I just got done at a 5 day journalism camp and the director of the JEA spoke and basically said: “Journalism itself is thriving and is in demand more than ever before, make no mistake about that. The problem is that everything is online now, so it’s harder for news sources to profit, which means they’re not as able to hire as many journalists as before.”</p>

<p>So take it for what it’s worth, thought you might be interested in that. Everyone who I know who’s involved in journalism has encouraged me to pursue it, but have a good back-up second major.</p>

<p>Thank you for relaying that advice! What kind of journalism are you interested in studying and pursuing? Online? I’m a broadcast journalism major; as implied, I’d like to work for television, but who knows.</p>

<p>Well, if I could, print, but that’s laughable, so probably online. I’ve been considering sports journalism too.</p>

<p>I’m so glad you mentioned that, Rolando4! I’ve been worrying a lot about that lately. Journalism is my passion and I don’t want to give it up, but I know how the economy is and prospects for journalists. But at the same time, I feel in order to be successful in Journalism, you have to be passionate for it. So if you have passion, you’ll succeed!
Also, great advice CE27M!</p>

<p>If it’s not too personal, what schools are you guys attending? I really wish this section was more active!</p>