***Class of 2014 National Achievement Qualifying Scores***

<p>Happy mom- did they look up your child’s name specifically? My contact would not take not divulge any personal information. Good luck to your family!</p>

<p>Yes, I named the student and then he named the school. On our state wide NMS list I saw two names, but the school district hasn’t made an announcement. I would like to think that they are waiting to announce them all at once.</p>

<p>Hey all, so I called and found out I qualified as only an outstanding participant in NJ with a 198. No fun. But ok.</p>

<p>@yoskis can you update the stats by region and state, ie New Jersey is greater than 198. I think Texas is too</p>

<p>In the 190s (can’t recall her exact #) got in as NA Semi Finalist in NC. Notices released recently at our child’s school. </p>

<p>If anyone would care to share what colleges offer $ to semi finalist (and finalist), it would be appreciated.</p>


<p>Yea, i will update the stats by state but we will never know all of them.</p>

<li>CT semi-finalist, I believe. My principal is keeping it confidential until the 25th, but my guidance counselor emailed him and asked; however, I find it difficult to believe that 202 makes me a SF compared to the other scores here that were commended…</li>

<li>IN semi-finalist. Rock on.</li>

<p>202? 204? You guys carry on. NICE JOB.
I think I was around 190 (not over 200 I am SURE) and was thrilled to slip in. Did either of you make National Merit also?

<p>Based on all the posts and other information I know, the cutoff in Texas was between 198 and 202.</p>

<p>In 2010 S made semi finalist in DC with a 198. D scored a 190 for 2014 and did not. Was told cutoff for DC is now 200 for semi-finalist. Hope that helps someone. ;-)</p>

<p>Washdcmom: Would you please share how your S utilized his status as semi-finalist in terms of how it did or did not impact his college search?
Also, if he made finalist did the NA Finalist end up helping him financially?</p>


<p>S is an Outstanding Participant in National Achievement with a 197 in California.</p>

<p>I just googled the topic and found the whole list for Florida if anyone is interested and the total number for Ohio- 68 NA semifinalists.</p>

<p>Today is the press release day. So feel free to post any news links about your SemiFinalists if you want.</p>

<p>I’m trying to get my school paper to write a story about me. But I’m the political editor/international correspondent. conflict of interest lol</p>

<p>Taben as a high school student in the dinosaur era I received a Finalist designation and went to Bowdoin. My scholarship was “corporate sponsored” from IBM and at the time was considered substantial. I believe it was 1000. which was a great deal in 1978 and made my father, who was working two jobs and was sending me to college as the 4th in a row, happy. This was in the era when only 25% of kids went on to higher ed and very few African-Am children.</p>

<p>Our son received a 198 on his PSAT was designated a Semi Finalist and did NOT received a finalist designation. I was actually surprised as 80% or so of the semis receive a scholarship that year I believe. He also scored a 2130 on his SAT a 97 percentile roughly for all students and of course a 99.9 for African American kids. He also had crazy good AP scores and high subject test scores as I recall, played violin 12 years, worked starting in sophomore year etc etc. We were told that-- through the grapevine–they do NOT like to give a scholarship to more than one child especially in tiny elite schools. His school had 120 children in the graduating class, about 25% who were accepted into an IVY. And one of his school friends also AF-AM received a 2300 on his SAT. I think though I am not sure that he was designated a finalist in both the NF and NM programs and went to Princeton. </p>

<p>Nontheless the semi-finalist drew an avalanche of mail here including scholarship offers etc as a semi finalist. I apologize it was a long time ago —or so it seems–4 years!! lol but I THINK Alabama and Howard courted him heavily with the semi fi designation.</p>

<p>ALSO despite the fact that our daughter missed the DC cutoff which is high–she has received a similar volume though not as much mail including Harvard, Stanford and U Chicago–none of which she is applying to. She is gungho about nursing and nursing only! lol and Pitt and Case Western are the two she visited and loved. And her stats are not strong enough to warrant a crazy Ivy chase at any rate.</p>

<p>Also this is for National Merit but my recollection is that many of these schools also court Finalists for NA as well:</p>

<p>[Which</a> schools offer automatic, significant scholarships to National Merit Finalists? - The College Board - The Well-Trained Mind Community](<a href=“Which schools offer automatic, significant scholarships to National Merit Finalists? - The College Board - The Well-Trained Mind Community”>Which schools offer automatic, significant scholarships to National Merit Finalists? - The College Board - The Well-Trained Mind Community)</p>

<p>206 in NJ - I finally called today to confirm!
Still no word from the school guidance counselor, grrrr.
I think my daughter is the only student of color they’ve ever had make it, lol. There are actually only a handful of minority students in the entire school, so I don’t think they’re aware of the process.</p>

<p>Outstanding participant in TX with a 199</p>

<p>That’s incredible! A few years ago you could make semi/finalist with a score in mid-190s. Wonder if anyone made it with 200?</p>