Singer/Stamps weekend 2/27-2/28

Thought I would start a thread for those invited to the Singer/Stamps weekend. From what I have seen posted there are students with amazing accomplishments attending and some just as amazing who were not invited. Given the this fact, winning one of these scholarships will be difficult. The nice thing about Miami is DS already has a decent scholarship offer from them.

I has been a disappointing week as he received two rejections on significant merit scholarships from other schools, so looking forward to a brief warm weather trip to relax after all the essay writing in the last couple months. We have not visited campus before and will be taking the optional tour at 5:00 on Friday.

Instead of staying at the recommended hotels, we rented a condo in Miami Beach. It is about a 30-40 minute drive, but having most of Friday at the beach trumps any inconvenience. Look forward to meeting everyone.

DS15 will be attending the March Singer/Stamps weekend. We will be in Miami 2/28 visiting DS12 who is a junior at the “U”. We will be attending the UM vs UNC mens basketball game 2/28 @ 2:00 Bank United Center on campus. Just a heads up in case your DS wants to experience a Hurricane game. Enjoy the beach!

We were just talking about possibly going to the game, although based on the schedule my miss the first part of the game. Is it difficult to get tickets?

It’s usually not a problem to get tickets. Please follow up and let us know how the weekend goes.

We attended a basketball game in early December during a visit to campus to visit our S. The game appeared to be mostly a sellout but there were many empty seats so it should be pretty easy to get tickets - I don’t think the 2 p.m. Saturday games draw the same number of students as the evening games!

With regards to the Singer/Stamps weekends, based on our past experience, it’s possible that additional scholarship money may be awarded to invitees even if you are not designated a Singer or Stamps recipient.

Does anyone know attire for the weekend for boys?

For the interviews, business casual is recommended. You do not need to wear a tie or jacket but a collared shirt and dress pants are recommended along with nice shoes. You don’t want to wear a t-shirt and flip flops but there is no need for a suite either. The interviews are more of a conversation and should not feel formal.

For the rest of the weekend, you can wear what you please but it is always recommended to dress up a little as you will probably get the chance to speak to deans or provosts and you will want to make a good impression.

Just following up on the resent Stamps/Singer weekend, which was well organized and informative. This was our first time on campus and it is a beautiful campus, however did not get a chance to go into any of the academic buildings.

If I remember correctly they stated there were around 300 hundred students invited over 3 weekends and about 25% will receive the Singers Scholarship offer. They do not make the final decisions on the Stamps Scholarship, but will recommend 5 or 6 applicants to the Stamps Foundation and the Foundation makes the final decisions.

They also talked about the Foote Fellows, but don’t remember if they said how many would be invited. They did say the Foote Fellow is not an additional scholarship, but is basically their new Honors College. So, no guarantee that if you are offered a Foote Fellowship that any additional money be included. Also, the Foote Fellows will be spread proportionally through all their colleges. For example, the College of Arts and Science, which makes up about 40% of the students, will get 40% of the Foote Fellowship offers.

It seemed like the vast majority of the invitees are interested in pre-med type majors, but that is just my impression from the other parents I talked with during the weekend. My son was accepted into the College of Engineering and we only meet on other invitee who was interested in engineering and I am not sure if they actually applied to the COE. I was a little concerned after the first day given none of the student panelist or tour guides we meet are in engineering. But the Dean of the College gave a presentation on Saturday morning that answered many of our questions.

They did provide tickets to the basketball game and we arrive just before the end of the first half. Unfortunately, they did not win the game.

My daughter and I also visited UM for Singer/Stamps weekend.

We are very impressed with UM at the weekend visit. Beautiful campus, very supportive staff.

But when we got the UM-UNC basketball game, my daughter and I laughed that “NOW” we are seeing the regular UM students. Rowdy, average Joe students. A far cry from the students invited to the scholarship weekend.

But we will be happy with the Foote scholar designation and more scholarship money support.

UM is a solid, fun school. My daughter will enjoy it.

@StreyrFWB I’m not so sure about that. My DS is a senior Singer scholar and a regular at football and baseketball games. He has many other friends like him. Why do you think that the students who are Singer/Stamps wouldn’t be rowdy at a basketball game?

I applied regular decision and just got an email a couple days ago inviting me to the singer scholarship weekend – does this mean I am for sure accepted to the university?

@MarineBio19‌ I think that is a good indication you have been accepted. Congratulations!

When are the S/S results out?

@meenav‌ They said about two weeks, so for the 1st weekend it should be around Monday March 16.

@ Ryan33, Thanks, Did you go for 2/28 weekend?

Yes we did. Really enjoyed the weekend.

Singer results are out!
@ Ryan33, Did you get in?
My S didn’t get.

No, got an additional $4,000 gables.

Did not get Singer here either. Got Additional Gables $4000.

So total merit money $25000 + $4000 + $5000 (Florida Bright Future) =$34000

Total cost for attending Miami would be about $25000 out of pocket per year for us, for the rest of tuition and room/ board.

Still quite hefty per year. So very interested in Miami, but more rumination needed.

We attended SS weekend 3/20-1 with our D Very well organized and informative. Kudos to the admissions team for a great weekend. Fingers crossed