Class of 2016 Singer/Stamps Thread

<p>I’ll be taking that tour!</p>

<p>So I just wanted to share that my dad asked this weekend and was told that 25% of the students there this weekend will get the Singer award and 5-7 students will be chosen for Stamps.</p>

<p>Pretty much what they told us last year too.</p>

<p>Just a heads up - Singer RD invites were just sent out! :)</p>

<p>Would we find out by email, mail, or on my um??</p>

<p>You should get an email. If you have stats such that you would expect a singer invite be sure to check spam and be sure you’re checking the account you used when submitting the application. It could also take the server a while to actually send the emails…? I’m not sure. I just know they were sent out a few minutes ago.</p>

<p>I’m a finalist for Singer. Does this necessary mean that I received the 24,000 University Scholars’ Scholarship? I haven’t heard anything about it.</p>

<p>I am a singer finalist. I am thrilled! I am from the midwest. fbla state is that day. I am an fbla state officer. I love miami. I don’t know whether or not i should take the trip if it’s a 1 in 4 chance. Stress!</p>

<p>The 1 in 4 was for the singer/stamps weekend, it well probably be different for the other weekends. That being said, I highly, highly suggest going to the weekend. Almost everyone gets additional scholarship money, and you have a good chance of being invited to the foote fellows program. Plus, the weekend itself is really fun and very informational. I’d say go, fbla can wait :-)</p>

<p>@Bungalow… No it does not mean you’ll definitely have the $24,000 scholarship. Even at Stamps weekend everybody had varying levels of scholarships. </p>

<p>I think the chances are less than 1 in 4 for the Singer weekends. For some reason the number 70 comes to mind for the total number of Singer awards given by the end of all the weekends.</p>

<p>I saw somewhere else that it was like 67/360ish a year or two ago. So yeah, like 1 in 5. I’m definitely going; even if I don’t get a scholarship I still get a fun time in Miami. Maybe the 1 in 4 that you’re thinking of is based off the people that go to the weekend extravaganza.</p>

<p>Does the 24,000 scholarship come with the acceptance package? I applied RD, so I haven’t received that yet, so perhaps that’s why I don’t know. It just seems really unlikely that I’d have zero other scholarships, yet be nominated for Singer.</p>


Yep, notification of the scholarship was included with my acceptance and the Stamps email invite was actually sent on the same day, but not in the admissions packet. If you got a Singer invite, I think it’s pretty safe to assume that you definitely did get some sort of scholarship, but not necessarily the $24,000 University Scholarship.</p>

<p>Have you checked to see if you have any financial aid packages posted on MyUM yet? (Student -> Financial -> View current awards). The scholarship shows up there, and although I doubt they would make such an error, they may have mistakenly posted your aid package before you getting your admissions packet. If they did then you’ll know what scholarship you currently have.</p>

Time to put this thread back on the top of the board so that we can find it easily! I searched for last year’s thread with Singer/Stamps scholarship decisions and the first recipient posted at 3:21 pm CENTRAL time, so 4:21 pm for most of you : ) on the Monday nine days after the weekend ended.

If that pattern holds true (and our loyal admissions office insider/intrepid covert spy, rankinr, has already given us a heads up to watch for email notifications today) there should be big news for the []_[] board later today! Here’s hoping they somehow found extra $, decided all our kids were so worthy that they couldn’t decide between them, and awarded them all Singers! (otherwise I’m going into sulky lurk mode for a few weeks while desperately hoping a Miami Grant will appear)
I’ll try to finish my trip report this afternoon before the news comes out, in case I do have to go off in a snit after the scholarship decisions are released : P

In case of bad news, I’ll be over at Costco stocking up for D’s frozen future in the frigid northlands of Minnesota, scooping up any remnants in the end of the season ½ price bargain bins of their imitation Uggs (D has these in brown so I’ll be looking for black) and six packs of long thermal underwear. Darn, I’ll bet they’re sold out of earmuffs and heated socks this late in the season…anyway:</p>

<p>[]<em>[][]</em>[][]<em>[]~GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!~[]</em>[][]<em>[][]</em>[] **</p>

<p>One of the grants is renewable and other one not. Not sure which one. Coral or Miami Grant. By the way, I don’t think not receiving Stamps today is a bad sign. You may still get Singer but I think you have to wait for a long time (till after April 7th)</p>