Class of 2017: Chance me?

I’m about to graduate this year & I’m currently a senior atm. UW-Madison is my #1 school and I wanted to know my chances of getting in! I feel I am more likely to get waitlisted or denied than being accepted. But that is prob my anxiety over all this talking lol I still would love feedback on my stats though:

  • GPA (Weighted): 3.7
  • ACT: 25 (Retaking in September)
  • 10 IB Classes Junior + Senior year
  • Ranked 35 out of 390


  • Hospital Volunteer
  • Habitat for Humanity ReStore Volunteer
  • Cultural Club
  • Spanish Honor Society
  • Volunteered at my old elementary school fresh & soph year
  • yearbook club
  • part of a local women’s association group
  • also volunteered with many local organizations

You can tell I’m not a sporty person at all. I’m hoping to up my act score by 3-4 more points as well.

Can anyone also tell me if letter of recs are really required? I kno it says on the admission page they are but I’ve heard people sumbitting none? Will it hurt me? Thanks for reading, I’ll appreciate any feedback or comments!


I am also a rising senior looking to get into UW-Madison this year. Your GPA is pretty good, while I would definitely retake your ACT. Even getting it to a 27 will greatly increase your chances of getting in, while a 28 is the average. Your rigor is good, and class rank is very good. In terms of extracirculars, I would highlight them in the essays! My school counselor told me that the essays are really what set you apart at Madison, especially someone borderline. You can find the essays here:
You’re right, it is stated on UW’s admissions page that letters of recommendation are required. I think that since it says at least one is required as stated here: “We require you to submit one letter of recommendation written by someone who can attest to your academic ability, such as a teacher, school counselor, or faculty member. If you choose, you can also submit a letter of recommendation from another source, such as an employer, coach, research mentor, community leader, or clergy.” you should definitely submit one, again especially since you are a bit borderline. It showcases how you’ve impacted others around you, and is more personalized than just your GPA and ACT score. If anything, not submitting one will show you don’t know how to read instructions, and it certainly won’t help you.

I’ve asked all questions possible about the application process at UW-Madison, so let me know of any other questions you have!

Are you in state? OOS? Getting your ACT higher would definitely be a boost! 25 is probably at the lower end of the students at Wisconsin.

Even if the rec. letter were optional you need it given your stats. You want to do everything in your power to present the strongest application and a rec. letter can speak to your academic potential.

The avg. ACT is actually closer to 29 though the mid-50 range is 27-31 (2015 stats, College Navigator). You are best off nailing a score within that range and the closer to 29 the better.

Good luck!

Thanks so much for your replies! I’m absolutely submitting a letter of rec now and focusing on improving my act score!

I’m in state by the way!

@madd01 your chances are much better in-state than OOS given the same stats. But the university has recently received approval to bump up it’s OOS #'s so you still want to be as competitive as possible. Mostly the approval was to counter the lower projections of college-age kids in WI going forward - the university still has a significant commitment to educating WI residents.

Good luck to you!

What’s the unweighted GPA?