Chance Me Please!

Will be Freshman of 2017-2018 school year
GPA: 3.79 unweighted, 3.88 weighted
Class Rank: 20/216 (Top 9%)
ACT: 26
ACT Writing: 30
(*** I am retaking the ACT Oct. 22, but I will be sending this in after early admission. I am still applying for early admission, but will just be sending in an updated score to up my chances.)


  • Best Buddies: President of Best Buddies Senior year, Vice President Sophomore and Junior Year, (Total of 4 yrs.)
  • National Honor Society: Junior Yr., also Senior Yr. (Total 2 Years)
  • DECA: May be leader role this year (4 years)
  • Spanish Club: 4 years
  • Key Club: leadership role 2 years (4 years total)
  • Student Council: 2 years
  • United for Youth (Select Leadership Club): total 2 years

Volunteer Hours:

  • Around 110+ hours (will be around 150+ after graduation)

Work Experience:

  • Have had a job since Sophomore year


  • Overall, my schedule has been very rigorous. I have taken a lot of the honors classes and have gotten A’s or B+'s in them. I am in the top 10% of my class and have achieved high honors every year.

English: 4 years- 2 Honors classes, 1 AP class (scored a 3), 2 .5 credit comm classes.
Math: 4 years- 2 Honors classes, 1 regular, 1 AP (currently enrolled)
Social Studies: 2 regular classes, 2 AP (scored a 3 on one, currently enrolled in other)
Science: 4 years (5 credits), 3 Honors classes, 1 AP class (currently enrolled), 1 elective credit
Single Foreign Language: 4 years, (1 semester of Independent Spanish currently enrolled in)

I have wanted to go to UW Madison since 8th grade/ Freshman year, so I will definitely be applying. Thanks for your time!

I meant that I am going to be applying as a Freshman for the 2017-2018 school year. I am currently a high school Senior

The 26 ACT is in the bottom quartile of admitted students. Everything else looks ok. Concentrate on the ACT retake and the application essays.

Ditto the above.

Ditto the ditto. Avg. ACT of enrolled 1st-year students with WI residency is a 28. That’s mean, not median. But as the distribution appears to look normal, median is probably not much lower if at all. Here is the most current info. on that - they are in the process of updating their stats but as it’s a running 5-yr. data set will probably not change much.

Thanks for the responses! Because I will most likely get the October 22nd ACT test score after the early admission, should I just put the October test date on my application under ACT dates (along with my other scores) even though I AM applying under early admission? Will this score be evaluated when they look at my application or will they not get it in time? It takes ~10 days for the scores to be released.

October 22 ACT results come out no earlier than November 8 which is also the materials receipt date for EA.

You could put the 10/22 date in the ACT test section on the UW application.

Perfect! Thanks again :slight_smile:

We spoke to an admissions rep last week at a college fair. I asked this same question. She said to send your lower score so your application will be complete. Then after the October ACT, send a quick email to admissions to give them a heads up that a new score is coming. I think she said apps are reviewed by two people and it depends what order yours is reviewed, but the reviewers will see there is a new score available.

The thing we forgot to ask was whether or not it would be better to just wait for regular admission deadline, or if it would still be better to do early action despite of the lower ACT score.

Oh so do you think I should wait to get my October score and if I do better, then I should email them rather than listing it in the case that I don’t improve? What do you think?

^^ @uwalummom @Madison85

If you were my kid, I’d say don’t list 10/22/16 on the application, and then if your composite increases submit the score.

Okay, thank you. I got a 26 three times in a row, so in your opinion should I submit them all? I only took the writing once, which I got a 30 on. I improved on the one portion that brought me down, but went down on another.

Guidance counselors may say to submit them all. In my opinion I would just submit the one with the 30 writing.

Yes, I agree, and I think that is what the admission rep was saying. After you get the Oct ACT scores, if there is an improvement, send the score and an email letting them know it’s coming.

Such a coincidence…my son also got the same score 3 times in a row on the ACT. So frustrating! Some subscores would increase nicely, but another one would drop by the same amount. He is really hoping he can get all his subscores up at the same time on his final try in October.

I agree with Madison85, I would not send all 3 of the same score. I think it shows that you (and my son) are consistently at that level. Try to send your best one, and hope for a nice overall increase in October.

Best of luck to you!!

Thanks everyone!!

Hi!! I thought I was reading about myself when I read your forum, ahah! Anyways, I know many people are talking about how important it is to get around a 28 to get into Madison, but I feel as if 26 will be enough. My friend’s sister got in with a 25 and she ended up getting a full ride as well. Many of the people I know who go to Madison got around 23-26 and they all got accepted. Now, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t retake your ACTs. It’s just something to keep in mind! :slight_smile:

Sure there are kids who get in with low ACT scores. Just understand that a 23-26 is below the 25th percentile of those admitted. Unless you have a hook of some kind, it’s possible but not likely that you’ll get in.

Better to aim high than attempt to just barely make the minimums. Do your best. At least review the materials suggested and go through a practice test.

There will be people with much better than a 28 who will NOT get in. A lot depends on your grades- are you studying hard (ie have good study habits) so you get mostly A’s? This can show that while you do not do as well as most on the ACT you know how to study, a very important skill for college, especially those of the UW caliber.

It is very rare to get a “full ride”. That must have been a stellar student and had a hook. Tuition and fees plus room and board plus money for books et al is what I would consider a full ride.

I wonder what that “full ride” was - Chancellor’s Scholarship?