Class of 2019 Nursing Admissions

<p>Hi Gina: Sounds like you have done your homework! Couple of questions: 1500 range for SAT’s sounds really low for nursing schools - I thought most wanted 575 minimum for CR and math? I’ve been told that the Writing score is not considered. </p>

<p>I also applied to Salve Regina but am concerned with the small number of real professors…did this concern you as well? Why did your son not want to attend here? Did your son consider Fairfield and or Regis.</p>

<p>I also applied to Curry, because they have so many nursing seats (more than 125) but not sure about their reputation; I have heard it is stronger than Salve and Regis – any comments? </p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Schools applied:</p>

<p>UT-Austin - accepted - direct entry nursing bsn
Texas A&M - for engineering (nursing school too new) - accepted
U of MN - twin cities - accepted with freshman nursing guarantee
Georgetown - accepted direct entry nursing bsn

SAT: 2050
GPA (UW): 3.98
GPA (W):5.07
Rank: 9/643
Courses: 13 AP classes: Human Geo, Environmental Sci, World History, US History, Psych, Chemistry, English III
**this senior year taking English Comp, Biology, Statistics, Government, Econ & Art History
Awards: NEHS, NHS, National Merit Commended, Junior Class President, Rotary Student of Year, HOBY representative & jr counselor
Activities: lots of solid ec’s - founded a h.s. Mentorship program for at-risk elementary students at an at-risk school, CampCamp counselor - 1 on 1 for a week with special needs child allowing them to have a summer camp experience, Pres. Of Student Leadership Team, varsity soccer all years played (before concussion forced her into running as a sport)… And more </p>

<p>School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female</p>

<p>congrats @go4fan56 your D did it - UT-Austin. You had mentioned before that you are a TX resident this is great news </p>

<p>Congrats @go4fan56‌ ! That is amazing!! I also applied to UT nursing and was wondering when your daughter applied? I know they give out decisions in batches…</p>

<p>Thank you Flower & Lilac… She applied mid-August to UT.</p>

<p>I applied to UPenn nursing ED and got in! If any of you guys feel that you have pretty decent stats and are really passionate about nursing, I’d consider applying to Penn. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Wow @stars987‌ congrats! UPenn’s nursing program seems awesome, I think I’m going to apply ED too (I’m a junior). :smiley:
Would you mind posting your stats?</p>

<p>@wettypup‌ Thank you! I am absolutely ecstatic to be going to a great 4yr nursing program.:slight_smile:
Here are some of my stats: (sorry, I don’t want to say them all)
ACT: 34
Gpa (unweighted): 3.9
SAT: 2020
*I know my Sat was bad, but I still had to send it in because Penn requires everything. I don’t know whether they simply disregarded it, viewed each category separately (my math and reading were high, but writing sucked terribly), or took it as a sign of improvement over the years. Either way, don’t worry too much about the whole, “sending every test score in” because I think they just want to see your improvement!
EC: V track for a couple of years and leader for a few; Spanish Honors Society and secretary; volunteered with helping kids and playing with them for a long time, show choir, and a few more minor ones.
Awards: nothing major
Ethnicity: Asian female - U.S. citizen lol</p>

<p>*****Honestly, I think my application was simply decent. However, I think what may have pushed me from getting deferred to being accepted were my essays. I believe that in nursing especially, the admissions committee looks for passion and dedication! They want to distinguish between those just looking to get in as a back door into Penn and those that really care about people and this type of health field. The interviewers will even specifically ask you, “Why nursing instead of medicine?” because they want to know, truly, why nursing matters to you. And in my Common App essay I wrote about taking care of my mom when she had cancer, and in my Penn essay I wrote about trying to empower women minorities and such. I feel that my essays truly showed some qualities that were needed in a nurse, and in the end, I think those were what were able to get my accepted. Of course, you must show that you do well in school and can handle Penn, but if you do that and show your drive, you got a shot!</p>

<p>P.S. I didn’t do any ECs in a hospital or anything like that, but I would definitely still suggest volunteering in some health related area this year if you haven’t yet. Doing those definitely shows commitment! Even though I have been accepted, I still regret not getting myself involved in some health field volunteering earlier, and doing this can only help you app! </p>

<p>Good luck applying next year! And sooo sorry this reply post was sooo long!! </p>

<p>Ok, reading over my post before, I’d like to clarify that it’s not that I don’t think that test scores don’t matter that much. In fact, you MUST show that you do well in school, and you must show in your ECs that you have a passion. However, what I tried to emphasize is that your essays must also show your personality and how that fits into nursing. I think a mistake some people make in regards to their essay is that they write a great piece about something, but what they showed about themselves doesn’t really fit into their major!
At a top tier college, everyone does well in school and has great ECs, so part of it comes down to whether they find you a good match in your major and in their school. And the essays can show that - especially those supplements so write great supplements! Albeit, people say that essays don’t matter as much as your stats, but I beg to differ that in a school specifically for nursing, the admissions committee will look at your passion, specifically.</p>

<p>Anyone accepted to Boston College or Villanova nursing?</p>

<p>I got into Villanova nursing! For Boston I am applying RD. Cannot know for sure if I can attend Villanova until financial aid info comes out. </p>

<p>Thanks CollegeAdvice2 ! </p>

<p>We visited Salve Regina and didn’t feel the nursing program was a good fit. Also, a mostly Caucasian environment, my son is Hispanic and we just did not see ANY diversity on campus. The clinical rotations started in junior year - also not what my son wanted</p>

<p>Since last posting he has been accepted to Curry, Pace and Fairleigh Dickinson</p>

<p>fyi… he has great community service service and extracurricular activities… he is also a member of local first aid squad explorer post for 4 years …</p>

Hey. I’m a high school senior & have heard back from many of my schools. My scores are a bit low so I applied to a lot of schools as a safety. I’m surprised I even got into some, to be honest. I’ll give you all my info & I hope it helps! :slight_smile:

SAT Score: 1610
SAT Score (CR+M): 990
GPA: 3.5
Rank: 112 out of 278
Race: Asian
From: northern NJ (and I only applied to schools within 4.5 hours with the exception of like 2 I think)

Adelphi: accepted for nursing, not sure how much scholarship $$ yet

Alvernia: accepted for nursing w/ $60,000

Curry: accepted for nursing w/ $34,000

DeSales: accepted but not for nursing :frowning:

East Stroudsburg of PA: not sure… they sent me a letter saying that my SAT score needed to be 10 points higher to get in & that I have to tell them if I want to be considered for another major. I’m probably going to say ‘no thank you’.

Fairleigh Dickinson (metro campus): accepted w/ $56,000 but not nursing… ugh I would’ve been accepted with just 10 more points on the SAT. I’m going to take the ACT and see if I can still get in b/c the school is really close to my home)

Holy Family: accepted for nursing w/ $62,000

Marymount: accepted for nursing w/ $48,000

Moravian: accepted for nursing w/ $56,000. I got a $2,000 grant too but idk if its for 1 year or all 4 years??

Neumann: accepted for nursing w/ $52,000

Pace: they asked to see my MP 1 & 2 grades within 2 weeks before making a decision, but I can’t do that because my school’s first semester ends later than 2 weeks. I need to email them and figure it out.

Robert Morris: accepted for nursing w/ $28,000

Seton Hall: waitlisted to the school itself… ugh it was my 1st choice :confused: I hope I get in soon…

Shenandoah: accepted for nursing w/ $36,000

Widener: accepted for nursing w/ $92,000

Wilkes: accepted for nursing w/ $44,000

William Paterson: accepted but not for nursing :frowning:

York: haven’t heard back yet, but probably rejected

*Scholarship money is for all 4 years in total

I forgot to say this in my previous post so I’ll just say it here.

I think my volunteer hours and essay helped a lot. I had about 300 hours – 100 from the hospital & 200 from school clubs. I’m also in NHS for my school, which is only 60 - 70 kids from my grade. As for my essay, it was about how my Aunt in India (who was suffering from a mental illness) lit herself on fire and passed away. My family went through a tough time after that, and it frustrated me that she could have survived if better health care was available. That inspired me to start volunteering at the hospital, and is why I want to pursue nursing now :slight_smile:

Mjmansuria 15, congratulations in getting into so many nursing schools with some nice FA to boot! I know you are still waiting to hear from Seton Hall but in the meantime you have alot of options. I have enjoyed your posts over the last few months or rather your passionate journey to become a nurse! Let us know your final decision this spring. You were so worried about getting admitted into a nursing program… I think I counted 11 acceptances - wow!

FYI - I just read that York College had 158 entering students in last year’s freshman nursing class. They increased enrollment by adding a 4.5 year option.

My daughter was accepted to York College for Nursing, but I am worried about local and on-campus crime. We’re overseas and have never visited the campus and probably won’t get a chance to before fall. Charliesch, what is your advice? We just received an email informing us that Track 1 is full, so I know the clock is ticking.

Other acceptances:

St. Kate’s
University of Dubuque
West Chester (Undeclared)
East Stroudsburg


My daughter tells me that she feels very safe on York’s campus. There are security personnel constantly circling the campus. The college is right on the edge of the city of York, and borders some suburban areas and a large hospital complex. The adjacent neighborhoods are safe, except there are some concerns about Jackson St. to the north. A great deal of money is being poured into that area to improve it. It is the location of off-campus parties and some not-so-great housing. Occasionally a student gets robbed of their cell phone off campus. I’ve spent a great deal of time in the City of York, which I really like. Like any city, it has some blocks where it is a good idea to avoid. However, the downtown is very attractive and there are many restored historic neighborhoods.

At York, everyone is required to live on campus for 4 years unless you get special permission. The on-campus housing is secure. The sororities are owned by the college, and are right next to the campus.

You can look up crime stats for every campus in the US - google the name of the college and “Clery Report.”

Doing the York program in 4.5 years, instead of 4 years is not a bad approach, because they require about 128 credits and some of the semesters have tough course loads with the 4 year schedule. My daughter is taking online classes during the summers and has some AP credit to make the 4 year schedule work better.

There are several schools on your list that I know nothing about, because my daughter concentrated on PA. nursing schools.

West Chester’s nursing program is difficult for admission. I’d assume that if you don’t get in as a freshman, you won’t get in later.

In the past, East Stroudsburg’s nursing program was on probation, but it apparently has improved.

One more point about East Stroudsburg U. The main hospital in that county has had very poor relations with their nurses. The nurses actually went on strike a couple years ago, and the hospital bused in temps. The nurses have now issued a warning that they are about to go on strike again, claiming severe under-staffing. Nurses actually going out on strike doesn’t happen at most hospitals.

Thank you so much for the quick response. Actually, I’ve been reading these threads for a few months now, taking notes, etc. Your input has been invaluable–it’s what led my daughter to apply to York in the first place (smile).