Class of 2019

Hey guys!
Accepted into Honors College for CS with $50K scholarship.
Wanted to know if going to the Honors College for CS is really worth it because quite a few people said that the pretty much the only perks were early registration, and of course, better dorm.
@mumz14‌ how long did it take for your son to receive the FA letter after the decision was made?

@lakerfan97‌ It took a couple months. He was accepted in November and we got the letter in February.

So I’m really struggling right now deciding where to go. As of now, I am torn between UCSC and UA. I’ve heard that UA is a complete party where the students put partying before education. I do want to have fun in college, but I am a student who wants to put studying before partying and I don’t want to attend a school where I am pressured to “turn up” every night. I know UA has a very highly ranked MIS program, and that is one of the main reasons I am considering the school.

I guess my question is where would I get the better education and overall better opportunity? UA, which has a higher ranked MIS program but not as highly regarded as an overall university, or UCSC, which has a decent MIS-like program but has a better overall reputation?


Saying students put partying before education at UA is hearsay. You may meet some who do that, but that goes for all colleges including UC:SC. Also, if you can’t handle peer pressure, then college is not for you.

It’s up to you (or your parents) to decide where you want to go. Personally, I’d go to whichever school is the cheapest.

I received a $12k from UA, but I have to pay out of state tuition, and I didnt receive any scholarships from UCSC, but I do get in state tuition. In regards to peer pressure, I can handle it, I was just saying that I dont want to be around a party environment 24/7. But i concur, there are people at almost every school that are there just to party.

Also, I know this is subjective but does a degree from UA hold more weight than a degree from UCSC or vice versa? Especially in the west coast states.

@Sirlaz‌ Which option is more affordable? I am guessing your costs for UA per year will be close to 32000 with housing, etc for an OOS student. What will your total be for UCSC? Also, I have read many times on here that the location of undergraduate degrees do not mean as much as graduate school. Would you like to live in AZ once you graduate? Sometimes, students end up living where they went to college because they secure internships that turn into full time employment after graduation. Just some things to ponder. I wish you the best in your decision.

I have been accepted to the Honors College. I will be majoring in physics and astronomy. Waiting to hear about dorms. Looking for a roommate. GPA 3.9, Honors & AP Classes 17, Nine Varsity Letters -XC(4), Swimming(4), and Track(1), XC Co-Captain, Track & Field Co-Captain.


That’s odd, the last word of my post was the only word that posted haha, Let’s try this again:

Does a low senior grade affect somebodies acceptance? I was accepted, recieved a low grade my senior year and am scared that admissions would somehow see this… Haha The last thing I want is to be last minute rejected

@kaypap, I think they would rescind their offer of admission if your grades took a HUGE drop. If they fell a letter grade or two, it probably won’t affect anything.

For an initial acceptance, it may look bad that you have low grades in your senior year.

I usually have all A’s and A-'s and I recently recieved my first B-. I think it’s okay but of course I had the typical reaction of freaking out and wanting to make sure everything is on track, haha, but thanks!

@kaypap, yeah, one B- won’t attract any attention, lol. If it was an E/F, that would be different.

How’s everyone doing with their enrollment? My orientation is on the 27th of May, but I’m going by myself. After that, I’ll pretty much be done with everything.

My Orientation is tomorrow! I’m so pumped since it’ll be the first time I step foot anywhere near Tucson!!!