Class of 2020- Admission Status

@GustafAngus what is OOS stand for?

Oh I’m in state btw

@LoveAM OOS=Out of state :smiley:
I see you’re new to this forum :smiley:

Does anyone have info on the typical cut-off profile/stats of freshmen who are awarded Corps scholarship? And do these vary for in-state and others?
(tagging @jarededberg)

I just chatted online with someone at admissions. The person I chatted with claimed that there were 41,000 applicants and about 10K auto-admits. I am not sure when you say 10K, if it is truly 12K or 14K and they rounded down?

@CollegeMama987 Wonder if they are counting academic? Two years ago top 10% 10,830 and academic 3346. Wonder why official Twitter account says 48000? I double checked. It says freshman.

Just chatted with one of the representatives of A&M and he said reviewed candidates can be reviewed multiple times before a decision is made,wow, this wait sucks

@hoping4admit The tweet came from AggieOutfitters originally I believe and then was retweeted by A&M class of 2020 so not sure how accurate the tweet was. Perhaps the 10K was just the top 10%.Ok, I will ask again tomorrow and see what I can get for an answer! I’ll try to get more specifics. I did ask how many more full admissions were going to be offered but didn’t get an answer for that one!

@pk2608 Yes, you should email Samuel R. Hawes, who is in charge or recruiting and talk to him. In addition, I would highly recommend you visit A&M and the Corps in the next couple of weeks and possibly spend the night with the Corps. To qualify for scholarships, you need to show considerable interest in the Corps which includes visiting the Corps and talking to individuals already in the Corps while you are there. The scholarships will be sent out through the 21st of February so if you are interested I would act on that fast.

Also, I talked to the office of financial aid today, and they sent out decisions on Monday for merit based scholarships. So you should be hearing something in the next few days if you live in Texas, week if you live in the US and are OOS and 2 weeks to a month if you are international.

Also Corps scholarships are virtually guaranteed to auto-admits and engineering students. They want to have the best grades on campus, so they want to recruit the smartest kids!

@jarededberg might be a stupid question, but will I hear something even if I don’t get any scholarship? As in, will I still at least get a letter that tells me I didn’t receive any scholarships? Desperately need JUST the OOS tuition waiver. Also, I’m assuming and hoping they meant all scholarship offers were mailed Monday?

@ItsOVO I was wondering the same thing. I honestly do not know. Something will show up in your Howdy portal here in a couple of weeks so if there is nothing there in about a month I might be concerned, but they will probably send you something in terms of loans or something similar to that in March or April after your FAFSA is in so you will at least get that. Also if you are in the Corps you could get scholarships for that. The OOS tuition waiver is very difficult to get for OOS students. They only have so many to give by the state of Texas, so they are particularly stingy in who they award scholarships to. Only the top students get merit aid because of this. I am not sure what the cutoff is for “top students” this year but with so many applicants, I am sure it is higher than in recent years, especially for the more competitive majors such as business and engineering. It is far easier though to get an OOS tuition waiver from A&M though than t.u… The Cockrell school of engineering only had 8 OOS tuition waivers to give out to all 4 classes of engineers (more than 7,700 engineers). I will say that one again as you may think it was a typo… 8 OOS tuition waivers. Anyway just wait about a week and then you won’t have to speculate. Good luck!

@CollegeMama987 good point on Aggie outfitter source of 48,000 apps maybe being questionable.

Wishing everyone a good Thursday night update!

what DOES OOS stand for? Out Of State :slight_smile:

Good luck to everyone for tonight’s update. I hope they throw out some offers, I feel like everything’s in way too much of a holding pattern for February.

@jarededberg Please excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is Corps?

@elysium305 Corps of Cadets:

Nothing changes for my status…

@Elysium49 Really? I know you are an international student but you actually have never heard of the Corps of Cadets? If you really do not know, it is a large military ROTC program at A&M. It is one of the 6 federally funded military college programs in the country, but a unique aspect about the Corps as opposed to the other 5 (US Army Aca., US Navy Aca., US Air Force Aca., VMI and the Citadel) is that there is no military commitment after you graduate unless you choose to. It is a huge part of what A&M is. When the school began, it was a mandatory requirement for all students but now it is voluntary. There are about 2,700 cadets today. It is the largest student organization on Campus by a wide margin. I have a question for you now. I looked and I see that you first began talking about A&M in December of 2015. In that time have you done any research about A&M? Have you read any articles about A&M, even Wikipedia? Or watched a video about A&M? Or heard a song about A&M? Or watched a football or basketball or baseball game? Or even visited campus? I have seen you post on this forum quite frequently, asking us about A&M and yet it appears you know nothing yourself about the school beyond maybe what US News puts in it’s engineering rankings. I must tell you that A&M and Texas in general is a very prideful place. We care a lot about our culture, our traditions, our people (fellow Aggies). You on the other hand appear to show no interest or pride in the school or the traditions and culture that it feeds on. I don’t know if you have heard of the Spirit of Aggieland (Probably not considering you don’t know what the Corps is), but it is the feeling and atmosphere that the students at Texas A&M creates in their friendliness and continuation of Aggie traditions and culture. The Corps is a large part of this “spirit” that is created and they are even known as the “keepers of the spirit”. I am not a Corps proponent per se, but they are an immense part of what makes A&M, A&M. If you show this lack of interest in A&M and its culture and traditions coming into college, you may want to consider another university as I do not think that Texas A&M is right for you.
I do not want to appear rude or frank but as an Aggie, the traditions at A&M, including the Corps, are very important to me and my family. I can bet this applies to 95% of the other individuals on this forum and can agree. It is very frustrating to see someone who shows no interest in something that I hold so dear.

And I still remain “Complete And In Review”. With this news and today’s 8" of snow, I’m going to go insane.

@jarededberg. I think you can be unaware of how unique and amazing A&M is and still be lucky enough to discover it upon arrival. That said, I am SO happy that you are a keeper of the spirit!