Class of 2020- Admission Status

@pk2608 Just calm down. I can tell you are stressed out but there is no reason to. I believe that the person on the phone believed that you were a current student. Scholarships for current students have been sent out but I do not believe any merit based scholarships for prospective freshman have been sent out. So just wait on that. Also, before you applied, you should have done some research on the scholarships that were sent out. It is nearly impossible at t.u. and extremely difficult at A&M, especially for OOS students, and it is even harder for international students. They usually reserve these scholarships for the top 1-5% in their class, very high test scores, and National Merit Scholars. Getting a merit based scholarship as an international student is definitely not a given. If you are set on A&M I would look at the Corps of Cadets as your test scores would almost guarantee you a scholarship with them and an OOS Tuition waiver. I am sorry to burst your bubble but many of us came to this conclusion a while ago. The problem is that Texas Taxpayers want to give that money to Texans and not OOS or international kids, but that is understandable Do not give up hope though yet! You should hear in the next month or two. Good luck!

@pk2608 If you go to TAMU Scholarship page you’ll see this: Scholarship recipients will be notified of award decisions by letter, to be mailed in February 2016.

Imagining the process goes something like this - SFAID decides scholarships, verifies decisions, updates database, verifies scholarships, prints thousands of letters, possible final round of verification (think of Duke a few years ago admitting the wrong students and having to rescind offers), mails thousands of letters. Conclusion: it takes a while.

@jarededberg, I’m OOS, automatic admit, 31 ACT (35 on English, 30 math), Hispanic. I have received large scholarships from Baylor and SMU ( > $15000/yr) but I’m worried now I won’t get anything from A&M. All I need is the OOS tuition waiver ($1000 scholarship). Is it almost certain I won’t receive anything?

@hoping4admit Great.
So this means that most international students will have only two tabs till August.

And what are the other two tabs supposed to be?

@ItsOVO No I would not say it is certain by any means. What is your class rank and were you a National Hispanic Recognition Scholar? Either of these things may compensate. Granted I am just a prospective student so I do not know how the process will work this year in awarding merit scholarships. I have a class rank of 10/398 (about 2.5%) and an ACT score of 33, as well as a whole slew of great extra-curriculars but I was told that I probably will not be even considered for a merit based scholarship from my friends and family members who are currently at A&M or are old Ags. I am a diehard Aggie and have been for a long time so I will most likely be going into the Corps so that I will be able to pay in-state tuition as that OOS tuition bites… nothing like the OOS at t.u. though! SMU and Baylor are private schools so they have a considerable amount of money to give out and they have certain amounts that they give for GPA and test scores. A&M and t.u. do not do this and also they definitely give an advantage while awarding scholarships to in-state kids (Flagship public schools in Texas are meant to benefit Texans). In many other states, being hispanic would be a large advantage. but I believe about 45% of Texans can claim to be hispanic so that is not a huge asset as far as diversity goes. They could totally change how they award money this year so I would not write it off yet, but maybe look at some different avenues or consider the Corps.

@hoping4admit The other two tabs in howdy did not show up for more than a week after my daughters status in AIS changed.

@CollegeMama987 admissions told me not to expect Howdy tabs until after I attend NSC in June. But as I said, I have gotten bad info from the admissions chat line / by phone before.

@elysium305 I am not international, but I think for everyone they will eventually show up, either in a few weeks or later in the summer. I think one is finance and one is records.

They seem to be totally focused on finishing admits so that is good for everyone waiting.

@CollegeMama987 p.s. Thank you for your info on when the tabs showed up.

I concur with @jarededberg - international students, as a rule of thumb, should NOT factor their decision on the basis of getting scholarship, esp. at top schools like TAMU. That said, however, there are certainly enough good public schools in the US … including in Texas, where international freshmen can qualify for merit schols. My S has been awarded schols at 6 schools so far - incl two in TX (with OOS tuit waiver) and four outside, and hopefully a few more should also come through.

I applied since October 30th, 1st choice major: petroleum engineering, 2nd choice: civil engineering, still in review. Anyone else in similar situation?

@jarededberg I had just put in corps of Cadets on my scholarship choic application. Do I need to do something more f applying to corps of Cadets?

@LoveAM Yup, 1st choice: Computer engineering, 2nd: Electrical Engineering, applied August 28th, still in review…

@GustafAngus omg, you think decisions should be out by February 14? My SAT score is only 1600 with math 680 and CR 490,I’m worried,GPA is 3.8/4.0 top 15%

@LoveAM Why feb. 14th? Is there some deadline that day? Your SAT may be a bit on the lower side, but you are strong in math, and that’s what they look for in engineering. I have a 1900 SAT with a 660 in Math, but they will probably look at my ACT score of 28, with a 33 in math. I am 2nd quarter and OOS. Are you also OOS?

Do y’all think that since there’s so many more applicants this year that I should be pessimistic at my chances at this point?
Class rank:119/684
SAT: 1270 Composite 1820 Total
ACT: 28 composite
EC: Varsity Golf, School Spirit Squad, Beta Club, Volunteering, Awards and nominations,l.
Wrote all 3 essays.
2 Letters of Recommendation
Applied for College of Liberal arts, Econ.

@LoveAM I’m still in review. SAT 1920, 1stQ, 28 ACT, gpa 3.9, OOS

@niccidoe what’s your major? You’ve probably said it before, but there’s like a few new pages every day xD

I applied CLA Sociology/Pre-law

I’m OOS still in review. Applied August 1st. 26 act, 28 math 30 reading. Ranked top 17%. Had a job for 2 years. Played lacrosse for 4 years. 3 year NHS. Dual enrolled for 2 years, carried a 4.0 GPA. Wrote all 3 essays. Hoping for full admissions or gateway. Would be amazing for a $1000 scholarship to get instate waiver, but I understand the low chance of that. First choice major Biomedical Engineering. Second choice Biomedical Sciences. At this point I could care less about getting into engineer, I just want to be at A&M next year.

@mattexas - Your rank / scores look competitive based on last year’s official thread but the numbers do look scary…
Last year out of 38K applications “Approximately 14,000 were automatic admits. Out of holistic review approximately 2,500 offers of full admission, 4,000 TEAM offers, and 700 Gateway offers” (source was Texas A&M official.)
Unknowns - if auto admits are more with 48,000 applicants this year or if they are going to offer more than about 21K total offers (21,676 two years ago, similar last year)