Class of 2020 Nursing admissions

Thank you so much you guys. The chemistry will be a challenge. My best wishes for your daughters as well! May they thrive and persevere wherever they go! My best wishes for all of you all!

Got into UCLA Nursing!!

Congratulations RN2be2016!

Congratulations @RN2be2016!!

Thanks @Erikacharm and @negirl508 !!

Exciting that two of you were accepted to UCLA nursing, are both of you going to attend or are you still deciding? @RN2be2016 @Erikacharm ? My daughter was accepted yesterday into University of Miami’s SON program and was very excited. She is throwing around UD (university of delaware), UM, Seattle U, Penn State. We are waiting on two more schools that should be released this week! Would love anyone’s opinion on these four colleges if you are aware at all in comparing them. However, it is ultimately up to her. She had a fantastic experience visiting PSU. We are bound for Seattle U in two weeks, UM, three weeks, and UD, on April 16. We keep changing our visiting schedule around according to new acceptances, it’s crazy!

Our D got her BSN at UD and obtained her MSN as FNP at Univ. of Miami. She is now on the Nursing Faculty at Miami teaching BSN student. Both have excellent BSN Programs. Her opinion is that students in both BSN Programs are at a similar high level of academic caliber. You can’t go wrong attending either. Good luck in your decision wherever you decide to go. Studying on South Beach can be very nice in the winter time. Its also a plus if you can speak Spanish at MIami.

Congratulations to your daughter @netter11. Some amazing choices for her.

Did anyone get an email from UCLA SON with your wait list number on it?

I was accepted to UCLA’s School of Nursing as well. Beyond shocked!

@kkmom1998 would you mind sharing your daughter’s stats?

@Corner - congrats to your daughter! Looking to apply to many of the same schools next year. Would you mind sharing your daughter’s stats?

How much volunteering have the majority of you done in hospitals?

@negirl508 - congrats! I’m looking to apply to uconn next year. Would you mind sharing your stats? Thanks!

I’ve volunteered at a local free clinic since second half of 8th grade
 and around 3.5 hours a week
And a senior center since Junior year

Congratulations @FutureNurse2020!

Am I the only one in this group that got an email giving me a number on the waitlist for the nursing program?
Wondering how common this is and if anyone knows how many freshman got accepted?

Best wishes to all of you going through this stressful but exciting time. I was reading this thread and noticed some comments from a few days ago about the difficulty with attending a co-op school like Northeastern when you live across the country. I just wanted to respond to that. My daughter is a junior in the NEU nursing program, and we live four hours away, so not exactly cross-country. This is a really wonderful program, but you are smart to consider the unique co-op schedule.

My daughter decided to do the 5 year program and absolutely loves it. She has co-op July through Dec., and this summer will be her 2nd of 3 co-ops. She doesn’t have classes this May or June, so will be home for 2 months, but that wasn’t the case last year, and it won’t be next year either. Not having the traditional summer vacation disappointed me initially, so I understand the reluctance, especially if you live far away.

It is possible for students to do co-ops in many other states, however. So while your child might not have the long summer vacation, doing a co-op near home might be an option. (That would be for six months.) My daughter’s roommate is from NYC and is doing her co-op there this summer and will be living rent-free at home, while making $32/hour. Granted, she’s a business major;) but similar things can be done in nursing, for less pay.

My point is, this program may not be for everyone, but it has many plusses. If you think you might be interested, make sure you check it out. Back when my daughter was applying, I didn’t grasp a lot of what makes the nursing programs unique. It really is so different from other majors in that regard (having gone through college applications with two older children, I was surprised). CC does a great job helping with all that. I wish I had known about it sooner. Good luck!

I was accepted to UCLA nursing, UCI nursing, UPenn nursing, APU nursing, and UW pre-nursing, and I think I’m choosing UCLA. To the other admitted students, we should talk! I’m so excited to be your classmate!!

WOW thats amazing congrats!
could you please post your stats including demographics and activities etc?