Class of 2021 (sharing, venting, etc)

Thanks and Congratulations!

Why don’t people post in the college specific section of MT anymore?

@MomofMTBoy - I would say primarily b/c there are no longer notifications that tell you when there are new posts. They are still great for focused research on specific schools

@MomofMTBoy ~ as @toowonderful posted, there used to be a little yellow dot next to a school name that had a new post… When cc was redesigned they omitted that notification. People have lobbied to get it back to no avail. I still go back and check on my son’s school as that is where I have the most knowledge but I often forget! Going to do that right now…

Where can I find those school specific discussions for MT/Acting?

@marg928 - on my computer, when I bring up the musical theater major on college confidential there is a list of schools at the top of the page that I can click on whichever school I have an interest in. But if you don’t see that, try this link and scroll to the school of your interest


On the main Musical Theater Major page right under the name…
▾ Sub Topics
Open the tab

I try to check the Roosevelt sub-page periodically, but like @lojosmo, I forget sometimes

What @lojosmo said ^^^. If you don’t see a list of MT schools, click the little arrow next to Sub Topics.

As I understand it, you can follow threads in topics and get a notification (by bookmarking the thread) but you can’t get a notification if there is a new topic posted.

I just got an email from CalArts announcing that their new President is coming from SUNY Purchase where he was the Dean of the School of the Arts

I (and other WSU parents) still check and post updates on the Wight State thread. We try to start a new thread (Wright State Talk) each year and if someone posts on that thread, the original thread-starter gets notified that someone else posted. It seems that most WSU questions now get asked on the various yearly sharing/venting threads. I always thought it was kind of nice when, in the past, the program specific discussions took place on the school threads. Then people not interested in those particular schools didn’t have to wade through program-specific interchanges.

Millikin and Shenandoah are similar in quality, but it’s the opportunities that set them apart. At MU, it’s easy to make your own opportunities and branch into useful side skills. The “blue” box theater offers a chance to do more experimental shows, student works, and a chance to do tech work in a smaller setting. There’s a new program this year involving technology in theatre that could bring some unique experiences. If you want to do something, no one tells you “no” as long as you have a plan. I got to do some bharata natyam (Indian classical dance) when two professors from outside the theatre dept. decided they wanted to put on a Diwali program. Also keep in mind cut vs no-cut programs. I’m not sure what Shenandoah’s is, but Millikin is no-cut. If they take you as an incoming freshman, you’re safe as long as you make satisfactory progress. They don’t take more as freshman than they have room/time for as seniors.

That must be new, because when I spoke to Millikin last year, they were still a cut program.

Shenandoah is not a cut program
I second @stagedoormama in thinking millikin was a cut program. It’s why we avoided it.

My S just got accepted Millikin BFA MT program. This is what the MT Director said. There is a hurdle program. These hurdles are like juries. It is rare that a BFA student gets re-directed to a BA program, but it can happen. To me, it sounded like the student would have to be not trying at all and wasting everyone’s time for that to happen.

Does anyone know how long the UNCSA audition is? I’m finding the very slow in replying with a link to set up the audition. I have others I have to book for that weekend and I want to make sure I leave enough time in between them. Straight acting, not MT.

UNCSA only has straight acting. The whole audition took under 10 minutes, but we did have to wait a little while when we arrived. Also at NYC Unifieds, their audition space wasn’t right in the same place as many of the others–not too far, but a few blocks away so give yourself time to get there if you’re in NYC.

It sounds like Millikin’s “hurdles” are similar to Wright State’s (and probably many other programs’) sophomore juries. (students “affectionately” call it “sophomore slaughter”). It is not the purpose to whittle down to a specific senior class size, but to encourage those who are not doing the work - consistently late to class/rehearsals, not prepared for final assignments/performances, not putting adequate effort into developing skills, etc. - to find a path they may be better suited for. This is never a “surprise” - the student and his/her classmates have had a good idea it’s coming for a long time (probably since freshman fall). Students are given every opportunity, offer of support to show improved development over that time - face-to-face meetings with advisors happen every semester (I believe) up until end of sophomore year. In S’s current junior class, I believe approximately 2-3 (out of entering class of approx. 24) were asked to find other majors at end of sophomore year. And perhaps 2-3 others chose to move on of their own accord at an earlier time (one after freshman fall left for personal or financial reasons). Some leave when they find out a BFA is not what they thought it would be. I suspect that Millikin’s program is similar.

@marg928 I realized after I posted about UNCSA above that I said that their auditions aren’t near the others in NYC Unifieds, but this year, it doesn’t matter. UNCSA is part of the Consortium of Conservatories, and they’re in NYC the weekend of 1/27-29, while Unifieds are in NYC the weekend of 1/21-22. Not sure how close in proximity UNCSA’s auditions are to the other Consortium programs (which I believe also includes BU, CMU and Purchase). In any case, the actual audition was pretty quick.

Anyone hear from Emerson yet?