Class of 2022 Nursing Admissions

@shebaseweed I was deferred from BC as well. What were her stats?

@hemingways 1380/4ish gpa (sorry dont know exact number lol)/rank 9/433/lots of honors ap’s (didnt take any ap exams)/4 yr varsity starter and captain, soph varsity 2nd sport/2 yrs band/german exchange program/nhs, nat german hs, natl history hs/sunday school and vbs teacher/ ski instructor and life guard, other various volunteer activities/dual enrollment at local cc

Someone mentioned in another post that perhaps most nursing majors were deferred because they only have 100 spots and want to see the whole pool before deciding, not sure if that’s accurate or not

@shebaseweed I think that is likely the case because I have yet to see anyone on these forums say they’ve gotten into BC nursing. I’m so anxious to find out!

I have no idea about your finances but with BC the anxious part is also to see if one affords the school. They offer no merit and they heavily weight equity of primary residence in their fin aid calculations. With so many nursing schools offering competitive financial packages it is hard to justify paying so much more to go to BC.

@hemingways Yes, I wish we knew already!
@am9799 Our thoughts too, but it’d be wonderful if it works out that she can attend BC

I got into UMich AA, Case Western, USF, and Penn State for nursing

@pingotip Congrats! Do you have a top choice right now?

@hemingways my parents don’t feel too good about playing out of state tuition even with a scholarship. I’m hoping to get in to UCLA but I’m pretty hopeless since its a 2.2% acceptance rate. My parents say UC Irvine would be my second choice but it also has an acceptance rate below 4%.

@pingotip Congrats on your acceptances so far. did you also apply to SDSU? Its acceptance rate is only slightly higher than the UCs but at a lower cost of attendance.

@Banker1 yep. I’m guessing that would be my 3rd choice.

WVU’s Direct Admit Nursing encourages sending in deposit to secure spot; the letter stated that if the spots are filled before the deposit is sent in the nursing status will be changed to pre-nursing.


We are also awaiting a decision from Cincinnati after doing the MMI. It’s our daughter’s first choice so she is getting antsy.

White F, 35 ACT, 3.4 W GPA

Indiana University (nursing)
Loyola University Chicago (nursing)
University of Iowa (public health)
Depaul (nusing)
Michigan Tech (biochemistry)

University of Pittsburgh (nursing)

University of Illinois (health sciences)


Another update on D’s selection process:

My D (San Diego CA) has applied for Nursing at 17 schools.

Acceptances (listed in order of visit schedule):
SDSU hasn’t been notified yet but invited to Merit Scholarship ($7.5-10k/yr) reception - Visit scheduled end of Jan

Gonzaga - direct entry nursing $19k/yr, Visit scheduled mid-Feb
Seattle U, direct entry nursing $24k/yr - Visit scheduled mid-Feb
U of Portland, direct entry nursing $21k/yr - Visit scheduled mid-Feb

U San Francisco - direct entry nursing $25k/yr, Visit scheduled end of Feb (wondering if this is a commuter school)

U of Cincinnati direct entry nursing, merit not announced yet. Visit scheduled late Mar
Xavier accepted but still waiting to hear if she is in for Nursing, awarded $19.7k/yr incl books. Visit Scheduled late Mar
Ohio State - Accepted, waiting to find out about direct entry status and merit. Visit scheduled late Mar
UT Knoxville for direct entry Nursing, $15k/yr - Great value, good program, Visit scheduled late Mar

Not currently planning on visiting any others but this may change.
Azusa Pacific accepted but waiting to hear if she is in for Nursing, $19k/yr - D low excitement level vs some others
Marquette for direct entry Nursing, $14k - D still interested but at $40k net direct costs/yr this is not a good value
Winona State which is a small program in MN that does clinicals with nearby Mayo Clinic. They are offering in-state tuition plus $3.5k (total value about $9.5k/yr) - Cheapest however D not sure about interest level.
Belmont accepted to Nursing and offered $10k/yr - D no longer interested as not a good value vs others

Haven’t received decision from:
CSULB - strong program and great value but without direct entry nursing this is risky vs acceptances
CSUCI - safety school no longer needed

Deferred to RD:
Boston College - too expensive and D no longer interested
TCU - also expensive, much merit would be needed to make this attractive vs acceptances

Hi everyone I hope this can help a little bit!

GPA: 3.3 (unweighted)
SAT: 1340
ACT: 30 (31 if superscored)
I’ve taken virtually all honors classes, with one AP psych my senior year. I swim on my varsity swim team since freshman year. I do a lot of community service, including a lot of meaningful work at Boston Children’s Hospital. I had a strong essay about adversity I’ve gone through.

I applied to all my schools as a nursing major and I applied ED to Northeastern. I’m still waiting to hear from Sacred Heart.

Accepted ED:
Northeastern (I got into the NUin program where you are required to spend your first semester abroad. So even though I applied ED this decision isnt binding)

Accepted EA:
Salve Regina
Saint Mary’s
Saint Anselm

I got between $17k-22k from all of the schools I was accepted into with the exception of Northeastern where I got no money.


Good luck to everyone who is still waiting!!

University of Cincinnati - direct admit
Capital University - direct admit
Otterbein University - prenursing
Walsh University - direct admit
Ohio Northern University - direct admit
Wright State - in at school, declined admission before nursing decisions made
Xavier University - in at school, waiting on nursing

Attending: University of Cincinnati

Hello @bearcatfan, congrats on making your selection! Can you offer any feedback on your selection process? What was it about UC that pushed it ahead of Xavier, for instance? My D is visiting both schools along with Ohio State in March.


I think her heart was always at Cincinnati - my husband is an alum twice over, and she grew up hearing about it.

We were both very, very impressed with their nursing labs. They were just so state of the art compared to everywhere else we toured (and we toured facilities at all of the above). Being on “hospital hill” there is a lot of opportunity for nearby clinicals in everything, plus they encourage a co-op. The schema is very light on humanities, which is a plus for my daughter. You have an actual nursing class both semesters freshman year (introductory, but still you are getting into it early). The only math class is statistics.

At the nursing open house and the MMI meeting, they discussed the support system they have in place for students to succeed in classes and pass the Hesi/NCLEX exams. I was satisfied that it was collaborative and not competitive. She is working on getting a suite of nursing students together through the student FB page, and they are already talking about being study partners.

I liked Xavier’s size a bit better, and I’m sure they end up at the same places the UC students do. They are building a new facility opening in the fall of 2019, so maybe the decision might have been a little harder a year from now. We are still waiting to hear about admission into Xavier’s nursing program, but it’s moot now.

We never toured Ohio State. I understand that is not direct admit unless you are offered honors admission (that might be wrong, we didn’t pursue it) but she didn’t have the stats for that.

Since you are coming in March, keep an eye for when white supremacist Richard Spencer is speaking. Last I heard he was scheduled for March 14, which is during UC’s spring break.

I’ve been lurkng on this board for months and decided to join CC and post for the first time. Perhaps our experience can help another potential nursing student.

My daughter (Northern California) applied to 15 schools, nearly all were direct entry. The few exceptions were programs that have enough space for all pre-nursing students (with adequate grades of course) to enter the upper division program, such as Baylor. We removed from her list schools that only have space for a small percentage of their pre-nursing students. For example, U of W admits students as pre-nursing majors but their upper division program for junior year onward can only accommodate 40% of their pre-nursing sophomores.

Penn State, University Park - direct entry nursing (waiting on Honors College)
Baylor – nursing, merit award18k/yr
Pace University - direct entry nursing plus Honors College, merit award 31k/yr
U Mass Lowell - direct entry nursing plus Honors College, merit award 14k/yr
Seattle U - direct entry nursing, merit award $22k/yr
University of Portland - direct entry nursing, merit award $21k/yr
Xavier, direct entry nursing, merit award 17.5k/yr plus a text book scholarship

Gonzaga University
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
UC Irvine
UT Austin

Deferred to RD:
University of San Francisco
U Mass Amherst

None, so far

I must admit we were surprised by the deferrals, especially USF. By all indicators she is a strong candidate for their program. As requested in the deferral letter we have sent her mid-year grades. She earned a 4.66 for the fall term, so we were more than happy to send those grades and transcript showing the rigor of her senior year course load. We have not seen any acceptance posts for U Mass, Amherst nursing. Anyone here have insight into the U Mass, Amherst review/admissions process? We are wondering if perhaps they review all nursing applicants at one time.