Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@Transymeg Thanks for the additional info on UC. It really helps.

@RMT549 - moving often is tough but it does often allow kids to quickly form friendships. My S doesn’t seem to be bothered by new situations very much at all which certainly helped in the auditions process.

I’m just ready to get this whole process over. It will be a relief to the whole family.

Does anyone have any info on the Indiana Bloomington MT WL?

@frisbee3 still crickets on IU

@msco313 CONGRATS to your D!!

@msco313 Congrats! My D loved that school as well. She has some friends there and is still connected although she didn’t land there!

Thanks to all who provided feedback on my sight unseen comments. It was a crazy week at work trying to figure the world out in its current state. Getting closer to a decision. Oddly we got a MSM acceptance today. A full month after they told us they wouldn’t give my D a decision until her latest transcript arrived which we got them that day. Despite evidence that it was sent thrice previously.

Stay healthy, stay safe!

@Jasklo one of my student got an academic acceptance today (after waiting for weeks and being told Thursday it would be 2-3 more weeks). So, people are working on the weekend! LOL! Who would have thought??

All, I’ve just posted a couple of threads that I’m following… mostly want people to know that there hopefully be additional WL movement and to thank people for encouragement, advice and support. S just made the decision to accept an admissions offer from CCM. We’re thrilled and relieved to say the least. He released spots at NYU-T (all studios), BoCo, Point Park, Emerson (T&P), and AMDA. Continued good vibes to all.

congrats @7Heartsong3 cant wait to read the details of your final decision story!!

hope this is helpful to someone out there…D received a call from Bill Jenkins today offering us a spot in the Musical Theater program at Ball state, so the PWL has started to see some activity, good wishes to all of you waiting. We too have 3 more waitlists in limbo but very appreciative that we have have 2 solid options ( after we released a bunch last week)

@NYYFanNowMTdad - congratulations!!! and thanks for posting. We are really, really hoping for that call soon also!

Congrats @NYYFanNowMTdad ! Great news!!!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congrats! That is awesome news.

Congratulations @NYYFanNowMTdad !

Thanks for sharing @NYYFanNowMTdad and congrats! Good to hear WLs are moving. Remember 3 weeks ago when we all wanted the commitment dates to be extended so we could visit campuses in May? Yeah, I’m regretting that push now. I really hope WLs will continue to move long before June 1.

@NYYFanNowMTdad - Congratulations! That is fantastic news!

@NYYFanNowMTdad - Thanks for sharing the Waitlist movement!

And Congrats to all the kids that have committed! Makes me happy that you are all experiencing some WELL DESERVED joy during this time.

Congrats @NYYFanNowMTdad!

Congratulations @NYYFanNowMTdad! So happy for your d!!!

Congrats @NYYFanNowMTdad on Ball State!