Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Congratulations, @AbigCurveBall - that’s FANTASTIC news!! So happy for you and your D!

@AbigCurveBall WOO HOO!!! Excellent news!!!

CONGRATS @AbigCurveBall !!

How exciting @AbigCurveBall! Congrats to your D.

@AbigCurveBall Congratulations!! That is awesome!

Just recalled this…@AbigCurveBall - you called it 2 days ago in post #2142!!! NICE!!!

Wooohooooo! So happy for you and your D @AbigCurveBall !!!

@AbigCurveBall Congrats to your D on acceptance and $$$!

Wondering if anyone at or accepted at UMiami for BFA MT can help? My D just received a letter tonight stating “Congratulations! We are delighted to offer you admission to the University of Miami. In Fall 2020, you will begin your studies in Theatre - Musical in the College of Arts and Sciences.” We’re not sure if this is the BFA program since it didn’t specify that? Her letter may be worded differently since she’s a transfer? She’ll be calling in the morning to clarify, but will sleep better tonight if anyone can help :wink: Thank you in advance!

Congratulations @AbigCurveBall !

Congrats @AbigCurveBall ! Completely get the tears. Was there too. Great stuff.

Woohoo! Congrats @AbigCurveBall !

@NYYFanNowMTdad I have a Freshman MTO son if you guys need any insight about Ball State. Nothing but positives from my son and us. We LOVE BSU! Chirp Chirp.

That’s such awesome news! @AbigCurveBall

@AbigCurveBall wonderful news! Congrats. Pittsburgh is a fantastic city.

@AbigCurveBall Congratulations that is so exciting!! Great school!!

Not sure if you got your answer about UMiami @AbigCurveBall - my daughter’s letter said: “In the Fall 2020, you will begin your studies in Theater-Musical in the Bachelor of Fine Arts Department (BFA) program in the College of Arts and Sciences.” (She released her spot a couple weeks ago.) Hopefully it’s just a language snafu in your letter!! Good luck!!

@abigcurveball Congratulations!! So awesome!!

My daughter came off the OCU waitlist for MT this morning. I’m beyond thrilled. Good luck everyone. The waitlists do move.

Yay @Bunny308 ! That’s fantastic news!