Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

So like CMU sent out MT… when do we hear about waitlist/rejections/redirects?

Yes, I meant Carnegie.Mellon.

@MTMamoo – stay tuned on SCAD. It’s on our list as well. Apparently all students start their first 4-8 weeks (or something) without declaring a major, and then they declare. The audition your D had, I believe, doesn’t impact admission, but DOES impact scholarship levels. I believe they are announcing scholarships this Friday. (March 6th)

She was notified via a message from Kaitlin in Accepted yesterday.

@dizzynadrama and @Ontheverge I can honestly say for my son, the reason he chose Naz is the way they made him feel when he visited them. He clicked with the Dept Head, the professors and the kids. It was the type of envirnoment that he wanted to learn and grow in. The training is first rate as well, but the training is first rate at all of these schools, let’s face it. I guess that is what people talk about when they say it is all about fit. He felt that he FIT at Naz!

Dizzyndrama, I know one of the other female MT freshman is from Texas as well. She is good friends with my son and just completed working on the workshop for the new musical that the writers hope to take to Broadway. She is loving life in upstate NY. We are from NYC and my son was happy to get out of the city - lol! I’m just glad I can drive up to see the performances. I’m going up on Friday to get him for spring break, but will be able to go to his vocal studio spring recital. The public performance will count as one of his 3 jury performances. So, I’m excited about that!

This fall semester my son took masterclasses with Telly Leung, Dr. Matt Edwards among others. There are plenty of opportunities at Naz.

They had 22 kids say yes to Naz, so the freshman class is a bit larger than usual. They usually aim for a class size of 16-18, so of course more offers than that have to go out to get a yield of 18, but I suppose more students and families loved what they heard at Naz and committed. The larger class size is not affecting any of the training negatively. My son said it is a great, supportive cohort!

@legitmt and anyone else waiting on CMU - make sure to check your CMU portal. From experience, that’s where you get the not-accepted decision! I think waitlist slots are calls or emails?

Thank you to the person who tagged me- I miss most of the posts in the long threads…
Emails will be going out via the Admissions portal this week- the Office of Admissions had a technical hiccup that delayed the notifications.
Acceptance calls were made on 2/24 and 2/25, and alternate/waitlist letters were mailed on 2/25.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, or want to follow up, please don’t hesitate to email or call.


@CaMom13 what is the CMU portal? We’ve only communicated with them through Acceptd

@Ashermom - the portal on the 'Where Am I In the Process?" portal directly from the school. Ironically, for the school that has the best Computer Science department in the world, their theatre web site leaves a lot to be desired in terms of user experience

@StanfordAI2019 ok, I wondered if that was what the CMU portal was. I’ve been on there too and yes, I’m finding nothing helpful there. :slight_smile:

@ElizaDoolittle Thank you.

We got the no today from Montclair in her portal. Bummer!! She still has no yes’s. She has 1 waitlist at Molly/Cap21. Doesn’t look promising from FSU given that letters for waitlist were sent on 2/25. Hoping for better news later this week and next week from other schools, including her “top choice”. Good luck to all!! This process is BRUTAL

Just checked Acceptd for CMU for my DD and rejection email was there. She then got an email as well.

Just got “no” from CMU via Acceptd portal

@Lilybird4 - we’ve got a good vibe chain going for the kids with no BFA acceptances - ~~~ I’m adding your D! Pulling for that all-important good fit coming through for her!!!

Got a “no” from CMU via Accepted portal (and forwarded to our email) as well.

I’m scheduled to go to CMU for an MBA recruiting trip in a couple of weeks…I’m less excited about it now ?

@StanfordAI2019 @AbigCurveBall @Lilybird4 I am so sorry. I am hoping some acceptances are coming your way SOON!

Does anyone have ideas about how many waitlists CMU MT gives out? I know the chance to get off the waitlist for CMU is very small but still want to ask

@CaMom13 Add us to the good vide list. No rejections, no acceptances, 2 waitlists, 1 audition at Elon remaining this weekend. Expecting results from 2-3 schools by end of week. Feel like with no rejections that we are still in the game at schools we have not heard from and have started sending rejections/acceptance.

I think she is probably viewed as the very experienced, hardworking, academically awesome, coachable person who is the true triple threat, but nothing unique jumps out in an audition. She had little/no interaction with auditors during her 9 auditions at Unifieds and on campus. When I read about everyone’s experiences and positive vibes from the audition room, she walked out mostly numb due to very little emotion from the evaluators–except TxSt where they started dancing during her pop song! :slight_smile: But, we all know that high level of engagement by evaluators and no level of engagement can be interpreted in different ways–positive and negative. Good luck everyone. Vibes and prayers coming your way!