Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Also, any suggestions about what to do? like visit campus, write a letter to express interests, etc.?

@onette, Thanks! My D passed 10 pre-screens of 11 applied and got 4 rejections so far.

According to the CC stat ?, you’d get one offer out of every ten applications so hopefully my D gets one soon!

it’s really hard to stay positive at this point!

@csuram1994 sending you and your D lots of POSITIVE VIBES, just the right amount of caffeine (not too much or too little), good hair days and no holes in the tights for your final audition! You’re in the final stretch!

@intheburbs - going to have to remember that!

@csuram1994 - sending positive acceptance vibes your way ~~~~~ hang in there! My D waited until the end of March for her first acceptance as those "no"s rolled in and it was brutal. I feel for you all - you’ve got lots of us here pulling for your kids getting that good news SOON!!!

@jianzhou- at unifieds they said they have maybe 20 on a waitlist but that there is rarely much movement.

Here is one thing to say
If we all TRULY believe and have faith that our kids will all end up where they are supposed to–whether that means a BA, BFA, or BS–then this process shouldn’t be so stressful on us. Right? I know–easier said than done. I remind myself of that every minute of every day. Not easy. I have a strong faith and that helps me offload my stress and worry. Again, not easy. I am not in control of the process or outcome, although I try to be. :slight_smile: Again, not easy. As my friend says, “Hope you enjoyed this piece of peace.”

@csuram1994 I have to be honest - I have never been a “Jesus take the wheel” kind a gal - this process is brutal!

According to the Crucible Cast Party on FB
Pace is starting to make their MT phone calls.

Molloy CAP21 Waitlist Folks - Rebecca said that several students got off the waitlist each of the last two years, but of course no guarantees for this year. Many (most) admitted students notified her before the May 1 decision date last year, but be prepared to wait until after May 1.

@TimeToFindInfo Thanks. Is 20 for both Acting and MT?

My D auditioned for both BFA MT and Acting at a few schools; so far she’s been admitted to two of them for BFA Acting and has heard nothing from their MT counterparts. Another poster said that it’s unheard of to be admitted to both from one school. Would it be bad if my D contacted the schools and re-expressed her (true) excitement for BFA Acting, but also ask them if she will hear from the BFA MT department? She doesn’t want them to think she’s not interested in the BFA Acting, but she wants confirmation that she is no longer in the running for the BFA MT. Maybe she can call someone in Admissions instead of the Theatre Dept? Aaaahhh! Thanks for the advice!

@MTMamoo – following
I’ve always wondered this too. I like the programs that have them somewhat integrated (e.g. CMU, MMC) where a candidate can be considered for both right out of the gate. Other programs, like Pace, Webster, etc. that have great programs for both, but are almost entirely separate, I’m also not sure what the rules are there. Hopefully someone has some ideas. Tagging @onette . She seems to know this kind of stuff

@TheatreDad69 you just made my heart drop!

@TheatreDad69 @NeensMom – yep, stomach is dropping over here too. C’mon Pace!!!

@StanfordAI2019 @MTMamoo So, I had heard years ago, that when you audition for both programs, typically, they put you in one or the other. The departments agree. Kind of like a draft.

Apparently, some schools are separating their programs to the point where you could potentially get acceptances for both. (Alabama, for example, WL one of my kids in MT but he got also got an acceptance for BFA Acting). That kind of surprised me, because it seems that would really play with their numbers/yield quite a bit. Redirecting on top of WL seems a very difficult probability problem to play with. LOL (maybe because I truly detested Stats in college!) You also have to consider that some schools separate their MT and their Acting programs (MT is in Music Dept, while Acting in Theatre, etc.) so they are two completely different departments. There, I can actually see this occurring more readily.

I would personally first contact the MT representative (dept head, recruiter
contact person) and explain how delighted you were at BFA Acting but that you are more interested in MT and if being accepted in Acting was a redirect. Because, usually, if you are redirected, they tell you this. (Although I have seen a few schools this year, NOT state this in a letter.) Every school does things differently.

I have seen one school this year accept students all over the place for its various programs. When asked, it was explained that they have xx number of total slots and you don’t declare your major until after you start. It is just about filling those slots right now, but can follow whatever degree plan you want. In another school, BFA Acting wouldn’t have access to the same courses or teachers. In another school, there is crossover and open casting. I know that a student from Temple said Acting/Film and MT take a lot of the same courses and audition for the same shows. The real sticky point is – is there voice and dance available? at the level and amount you want? and does it cost extra if you aren’t in MT?

Bottom line - don’t be afraid to ask the questions. You need information to make a good decision!

Not sure I answered anything, but hope that helps

@MTMamoo I’m not sure if one of the schools is CCM, but my daughter auditioned for both acting and MT at CCM. She got a yes from acting and did not hear from MT. She called CCM admissions and at first was told (a week ago) that there was no decision for MT and she was still being considered. This week she called back and was told that ‘they are doing something new this year’, and since acting was her second choice, the fact that she got an acting offer meant that MT was a no, and that they would not be sending a separate MT decision.

@NYKaren Thank you so much for The good information. I am going to book a visit today. I’ll let you know if I have more questions.
Thanks again.

Does anyone have any experience with Viterbo and how they manage the process? I have seen that acceptances have been coming by email but we have not heard anything one way or the other. Not sure if I should prod my kid to reach out or not to find out or if a “no” will just come eventually since no word has come one way or the other. Did it as a walk-in in CHI. Thanks for any insight!

@Ontheverge - not sure if this is the “normal” process, but here is how it happened for us: Walk-in at NY Unifieds. Adjudicator gave D his card and encouraged her to apply. Let her know she had to upload videos to Acceptd (not an actual prescreen, but they use the videos as part of their decision process) and officially apply academically to move forward. She sent a follow up thank you email and confirmed the process and they reiterated those steps as a must. She then uploaded, applied, had some back and forth emails with admissions and received an acceptance via email a couple of weeks ago. They are extremely nice and she is very interested in the program!!