Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@Ontheverge I am perplexed about their plans also (LIU Post). Everyone I know who has visited or the one kid I know of who is there says nothing but wonderful things about the training opportunities and David Hugo. The facilities, however, are another matter. And I don’t see how they could “fix” the facility issue quickly, yet they are adding more students to the program. It makes me speculate (and this is JUST a speculation on my part…I have not heard this or know of this from anywhere) that maybe they might take a lesson from CAP21 and find another place to use for training. On-campus or off-campus. But they may need to grow their program to be able to support that. I would think that right now they are trying to figure it out, but it would certainly help if they would communicate and respond to the biggest worry everyone seems to have right now.

Just spoke to an admission counselor at Roosevelt Univ. Their admission decisions will be updated via portal and emailed by 5pm (central time?) today.

My D’s portal account has been updated from “Awaiting decision” to “Decided”. Bring it on!

Becoming the waitlist Queen…second one in 2 days, NOT complaining at all

Got an email directing us to get accepted from Indiana at around 11 am EST today w a nicely worded WL letter from program director…auditioned 2/8. Yesterday was the AZ waitlist.

interesting about IU, we were waitlisted back in September for a PRE SCREEN PASS, got the notification we got invited for the audition on campus in Mid January & now we are waitlisted for acceptance…never dull.

current tally 3 BFA/BM yeses, 2 Waitlist, and dont have enough fingers in between hitting refresh to count the no s …hang in there everyone.

still waiting on: BW, Roosevelt, Coastal, Ball state, Webster, Wright state & Muhlenberg.

On the topic of liking/disliking a program, does anyone know of any program that consistently has negative feedback? Rhetorical–I don’t expect you to open the kimono on a public site like CC on this topic. Feels like 99% of the responses on here are positive about each program. And here is the thing…I believe them all. Why? As I have told my D, whether she goes to her #1 or your #7, she is going to love it!! Why? The program chose her, and more importantly, she chose them. Furthermore, for the first time in her life, she will be focusing 70% of her time on what she is most passionate about. And, the level of training they are getting is probably at a higher level than they have ever experienced. Just some thoughts.

@csuram1994 - I am going to throw something out here that is going to be very controversial but the program I hear the most negative things about is CMU - D has two friends, current students, who HATE it there - they say it is a toxic environment. CMU is a conservatory program in the middle of a high tech school - it is an extremely small program, they no longer focus on dance so everyone is a “lead” - I am imagining that this leads to a lot of diva behavior - especially among the girls - which these two are. D did not apply for a number of reasons mostly location and dance- but that was one of them.

Still no news one way or the other from Indiana for us.

Waitlisted over here for IU too!

@onette - very interesting take on that possibility. I know that LIU Brooklyn partners with the New Group so they have some experience there. It definitely makes decisions tricky, especially with their great program reputation and David Hugo

@csuram1994 I understand your logic but would throw a little more caution, not knowing your kid’s interests or personality. I’ve shared before we’ve had a pretty negative experience with a school ppl rave about ( and I think we’re in decision pergatory as we haven’t been rejected yet). We also have to think about her comfort level at some schools because she would be a minority and in some cases starkly so, so that’s another factor we weigh heavily that others may not as much.

Initially my kid was “I’ll go anywhere” given the intense competition and fear that is placed on them about this process but after some of these experiences she is more thoughtful about considering her interactions and comfort with them.

There are some who go without visiting as well and have regrets as well. I think others’ experiences are an important data point but shouldn’t be taken as good enough input to make a decision. I think, as others have said, very much like a LONG term relationship! You both have to swipe right!

Anyone hear from TCU?

@csuram1994 Nothing from TCU yet for us. Impatiently waiting!

@StanfordAI2019 - did you head over to Ft. Worth today and take Harry a coffee? :wink:

@csuram1994 not yet…unless @StanfordAI2019 got some inside info! LOL (Mind you I have never met this guy but I can see him skulking through Landreth Hall in a trenchcoat and glasses! LOL)

@csuram1994 nothing here yet…

I honestly and truly believe you have to visit, meet the faculty and get to know some of the students. Again, I have posted this, I didn’t and it was a horrible decision on my part 40 years ago. I trusted my parents (who had no idea about arts schools and how things were “done” in music and theatre programs) and they were happy with seeing a brochure and catalog. This was pre-Internet days, so not even the ability to talk to anyone or read other people’s views or firsthand experiences. Because the arts are so subjective and there are MANY approaches to how it is taught and how programs are run, you need to be sure you are in an environment that is good for you, not toxic…around faculty that are nurturing and want to help you grow as an artist. Around peers that are collaborative and supportive of you and expect the same consideration in return. That will not exist in all schools. And there are some kids, who have already developed thick skin, who can resist all the issues and push through that anyway. But many can’t. So please make sure it isn’t just good on paper.

@valkyrie360 - Yes on Penn St MT calls.

@jaydee0712 I’m sorry. Thank you for the update.

Another person just told me they got a “offers will go out for OCU by April 15 - would you still like to be kept in consideration?” just now…so maybe all offers aren’t going out at once?

@onette - no, I didn’t really head over. The pre Spring Break traffic on George Bush is too brutal. Got the trench coat and glasses in my trunk though when needed

@StanfordAI2019 :smiley: :lol: :sunglasses:

@abigcurveball. Yikes! Thanks for the update. Roosevelt says decided and now has a scholarship acceptance form showing on the left as missing. But no way yet to tell if accepted to the BFA. Might be a long few hours. My daughter is a dancer first and their BFA MTD had always been near the top of her wish list.