Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@SingerDancerMom – agreed. PP may have the worst functioning portal in the history of portals. They need some CMU computer science freshman to come over and fix it for them.

Just got waitlisted from PPU! Any idea how the waitlist moves?

Point Park rejection has arrived!

Edited to add: I don’t mean to sound gleeful about this but honestly, not having to add a trip to Pittsburgh to this spring break is a relief and my daughter LOVED her Point Park audition experience (it was her favorite one at NY Unifieds) so a wait list from this one would have really gummed up the system over here.

I don’t mean to be Pollyanna about it all, but I am thankful we are in a position (with a couple of acceptances to great, affordable programs) to view these rejections as gifts in their own rights.

5 decisions still pending!

@Dance3Looks3 – tough break, but totally get it. I can’t help to think how much simpler life will be if my D doesn’t get into any more programs.

@StanfordAI2019 I’m still dying to know the status of the Pace call you received yesterday!

@StanfordAI2019 I know what you mean! If my d doesn’t get any more offers (or any offers!) I can avoid paying tuition all together!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

@intheburbs - we felt the same way about fit based on this too. However, I am happy to know that there were some applicants at this audition who were admitted or waitlisted. We did like what Victoria had to say during the info session and I’m sure it is a great program for those who attend!

My S received an acceptance from Point Park. Understandably, he’s really happy. He auditioned at NY Unifieds and originally didn’t have a slot. Luckily they were able to add him to the mix and he really enjoyed the audition. We were able to tour the school last summer. Continued good vibes to all.

My D got waitlisted with PPU.

“Due to the large number of applicants, the faculty has decided to defer their decision on your artistic admittance. As a result, you have been placed on the wait-list for Musical Theatre - B.F.A.”

Is this a typical wordking for who gets waitlisted? I wonder if it is a “true waitlist”, meaning they have already made full offers so the list moves only when someone turns down or they simply have not decided due to the number of applicants as they said.

@legitmt does your email show the same wording?

They will notify by 4/15. More waiting…

Congratulations to all the yes’s and WL for Point Park!! Great program! It was another “no” for us. But we have 7 left! Still standing…??

Yes. The Point Park rejection would hurt a lot if she didn’t already have options she loves in the can. It was a top program for my daughter because of the dance program there. A wait list would have been the kiss of death … she’s got a scholarship opportunity with an April 15 deadline (have to have confirmation of enrollment somewhere by then), and if a school she loved wait lists her, there is going to be a lot of conflict and tears over either having to give up the scholarship opportunity or the hope for the wait list to come through. So, I’ve been praying pretty hard for every decision to be “clean” either yes or no and so far, so good. :smile:

@Neensmom, Pace hasn’t called back. Probably a false alarm, but we continue to check. Haven’t heard from PP yet. Also probably not a good sign. Congrats to everyone who is hearing good news from them though!

If anyone has any PPU questions, feel free to PM me. My child is a senior there.

@AbigCurveBall same wording. Sigh…

re: post 1350:
@Dance3Looks3 Please understand that the way it works with colleges is if you get off a waitlist, you are allowed to back out of the school you planned to enroll at. That’s how it works. Most waitlist movement is after May 1 and you have to commit to a school by May 1, the National Reply Date. So, if a waitlist comes through with an offer after May 1, you then rightfully can back out of the school you put the deposit down at (but lose the deposit) and that school can then make an offer off of THEIR wait list!

@legitmt Thanks! Sigh…

One correction to my post above. The waitlist will start moving (if any) beginning 4/15, not by 4/15.

@AbigCurveBall just like I commented yesterday re BW…IMHO a WL to PP is a huge affirmation of her talent…celebrate it as a win & fingers crossed there is movement

@soozievt Yes, thank you, I do understand how they work.

Our conflict isn’t with the schools, it’s with the external, non-institutional scholarship she is eligible for. That program requires certification of enrollment and a full financial report by April 15, along with the required essays, etc. The scholarship will pay up to $20,000/year of unmet financial need, so it isn’t small potatoes and it gives her options she wouldn’t otherwise have, for example to attend a school that’s far away with high travel costs to and from.

If my daughter is wait listed somewhere, and not accepted by April 15, that’s as good as a rejection because we are not in a position to turn down this scholarship (which is more or less guaranteed to everyone who is eligible for it, given the nature of eligibility). She’s gotten some acceptances so far that are places she can definitely see herself. She doesn’t need the emotional boost of getting wait-listed somewhere great because she’s already been accepted somewhere great … a wait list decision would leave her wondering “what if” if she had to take herself off that wait list in order to access and accept the external scholarship.

@NYYFanNowMTdad Thank you so much for your encouragement!

Would be a lot nicer if it was an actual offer ? but it came around at the right timing because it is her first WL after her first BFA offer so it IS an affirmation of her talent as she joined this game a little late (after her sophomore year w/o any on stage theatrical background, voice, acting or dancing except playing the cello in a pit orchestra for 2 years).

Huh…Point Park BFA Theatre Arts offer…anyone know anything about it?!