Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where


call during school today - yes we still have in person classes here :smiley: from Ball state today " priority waitlist"

@NYYFanNowMTdad - priority - that sounds promising! Congratulations !!

@DivaStageMom , it does yes, starting to get numb to the waitlists, but not complaining better than a NO , only big negative is it delays this process & visiting schools is likely off the board this year for everyone…many schools have cancelled the on campus spring so even if we could go what would we see? no classes? no shows…

My DD got the Priority Waitlist call from Ball State today too during school. So they are finishing up their lists.

@Transymeg any idea what “priority” wait list means? is that what they call all wait list people? any Ball state folks who know im sure it would be helpful.

Still haven’t heard anything from PP or Ball.

@SingerDancerMom - Pace sent some thugs to our house to beat us all with bats, berating us for even bothering to apply in the first place.

As we all lay their bleeding, slipping into unconsciousness, the ‘lead thug’ whispered in my ear…“consider this your portal update…”

@runnernyc @modanbsmt001 I think I refresh the Emerson portal every 5 minutes and there’s been no change today. Last week, there was a change (information on the right side of the portal with the ID numbers, preferred name, application term, etc. was gone for about a day), but it’s all back there now, same as it was before it disappeared.

The Emerson websites still all say decisions by 3/31 but I am also hopeful that they keep with their own history and release decisions sooner. Today would be great. :smile:

@StanfordAI2019 theres a scene from goodfellas that resembles that " Pace experience" but I wouldnt post it here and offend all the nice moms that frequent this site, suffice to say its 60-90 seconds before the " Do I amuse you? "scene

@StanfordAI2019 ???

I hate to share bad news, but apparently Broadway is shutting down for at least a month

@NYYFanNowMTdad - “not sure about you Henry…you may fold under questioning.” I’m assuming it’s the ‘Billy Batz’ bar scene.

D got an email from Ball State for waitlist. Looks like others got a call with priority waitlist. Does anybody know the difference?

OMG - this can’t be over soon enough! We have tickets for SIX on Saturday - ugh. More disappointments and waiting…

Got the PP rejection yesterday. Surprisingly she’s so much better now that she has a BFA offer. Hoping we can still go for a tour next week!

Congrats to all the BW, PP and Ball State yeses & WLs! Exciting times…

@StanfordAI2019 Billy Batz is a great scene ( go get your shiine box) but check your email for the scene I was referring to…“Ping Pang pow…”

DD got a voicemail message with ‘Priority WL’ for Ball State. Between sleeping during Spring Break (this week for us) and not picking up unknown #’s, it’s amazing she got it.

She said (by text of course) ‘I mean, I don’t want to get my hopes up…but it’s better than a straight no.’

YA THINK!!! Sometimes she is just too laissez-faire…

Congrats to the others who got similar or better news.

I wonder if any of the school closures or changes to online classes will affect the final wave of decisions. Anyone have any real knowledge of the answer? Boston Conservatory have moved to online only after next weeks spring break. Hopefully the decisions have already been made and perhaps they will send them out sooner than later, same with NYU. With things changing daily it would be nice for these kids to at least be done with the “waiting game”. I think we are all at the end of our ropes!

@Dance3Looks3 We’re in the same boat refreshing Emerson. I know what you mean about the information change on the portal, but can’t remember what it was before. D’s has “Your current major” and “Your current admissions plan” along with the Admissions ID and Emerson ID and I don’t remember that before. Is that what yours says?

Ok, my D got a letter regarding coastal… congratulations BFA in Theatre Arts… what is that?? A redirect?

@eleanorsmom yes – that’s what ours looks like now, but for around 36 hours last week, all of those entries on the right side were gone. I thought maybe it was a sign but clearly the only sign here is my own mind unraveling. :neutral:

Regarding schools moving to online only – I’m preparing to defend my dissertation in a few weeks and graduate this semester with my PhD from a large flagship state university (in another state, so I haven’t actually been on campus in almost a year), and I teach online at another school. Both have moved all instruction to online only, but my dissertation defense is still happening in person unless the university closes, which it has no plans to. Labs are still open, staff are still in offices.

I suspect the schools our students are hoping to visit are also not shut down, just not packing large groups of young people into communal living spaces, shared dining facilities, and small classrooms. We are reaching out to folks (students and faculty) at the schools my daughter is still considering and so far they’ve all been happy to accommodate a visit, even if we can’t see classes in session or performances like we might have otherwise been able to. Of course, we aren’t going to travel anywhere if anyone in our close circle of contacts is either infected or quarantining because of exposure to a known infected person, but assuming we are all healthy and have no infected contacts, we’re fine to travel.